But you knew that already.
The Sendero 50k is just a week away (rhyme!), but there was still time for a short 10ish mile run at Government Canyon this morning before the real TAPER begins.
Government Canyon is always an adventure. Especially when a couple park rangers see your shirt and tell you how much they love it. And then that comment leads into a lengthy conversation about zombies and target practice and no remorse and hands are thrown up in the air all dramatically so. And also, when they ask "How many miles you running today?" in a most nonchalant manner, like you're a regular there. Cause really, I am.
But how could I not be when they have all this for me to scuttle over for hours?

And mud! As if I didn't get enough of the rainy running last week, the storms seemed to have followed me from the Houston and blessed this sweet land here. Which meant I pretty much had the whole park to myself this morning.
And really muddy legs after.

But don't worry, I took those muddy legs and showed them off during a quick venture into the Wal-Mart. There were marshmallows to be purchased, after all. The Kyoo Christmas tree has requested decor involving the puffed sugary morsels this year and I had to oblige.

But more on that later. I might have looked a little ransacked trekking through Wally world in that state, but really, it livened the place up. And the cashier got to exclaim "Marshmallows!" quite dramatically so and then hear all about my grand plans for them.
So it was a good trip.
And as I drove home (talking to the Gregman and yelling at slow cars, the usual), I realized my body was craving something it almost never craves (especially after a run). The Kyoo bodeh wanted a salad. A salad!
Oh if only it craved THAT all the time.
The rule of thumb is that the Kyoo body gets what the Kyoo body wants if it does what it's told during the run. And it listened pretty well this morning. So, breakfast was a salad.

A really good salad at that. Lotsa spinach and avocados and some cheese that the Katiefriend had in the fridge and craisins and poppyseed dressing. Should you try it sometime? Uh, only if you want to blow your taste buds away (like always, only slightly exaggerated).
And I wish I had some grand finale to this informative list of my Saturday morning adventures, but really I did laundry and some chores and sang really loud to Christmas songs while dancing around the house and it was all sorts of anti-climatic.
But kind of what I needed. Because I have quite the Saturday night planned! But more on that later, too.
Have a great day :-)
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