Monday, January 30, 2012

Yoo 267 - What not to forget camping...

1.) water
2.) chicken (if you plan on making chicken enchiladas, that is)
3.) the "dutch oven kit" that contains all of your cooking utensils
4.) a lighter
5.) a headlamp

Not that I would ever forget all of that in one camping trip...

...but I did.

The best part was when we realized everything I'd forgotten.

Paul: "Did y'all bring a lighter?"

Alisha (looking flabbergasted): "Paul, do you really think we'd have this SUV packed to the gills and not have thought to bring a lighter??"


(I start to think...)

Kyoo: "Ummmm, Greg, did you move the Dutch oven kit from my car to the Trailblazer?"

Greg: "Where was it?"

Kyoo: "In the back seat..."

Greg: "You said move everything from the trunk!"

Kyoo: "We forgot a lighter."

There was some discussion (ok, a lot of discussion) about whether I'd really said the "car" or the "trunk" but we'll let it rest (i said car) and leave it at "we were minus quite a few essentials this past weekend". But we survived. Mostly because we sent Paul to woo another group of campers for their lighter. Three times. And made an HEB run.

My forgetfulness might have had something to do with me running all day and then packing/showering/leaving the house in just half an hour.

But I was starved and there were friends and a pizza buffet waiting for me!!

Cici's is one of those ghetto, cheap pizza buffets. But I love it nonetheless. I mercilessly ate piece after piece of Canadian bacon (hey Elizabeth!) and macaroni and cheese (pizza!) and spinach alfredo and buffalo chicken. (this is why I don't lose weight running...). Then I heard a group of people singing "Happy Birthday". And I thought "someone stole my birthday!" But Alisha and Greg and Paul handed my day back to me in grand style with their own, blaring rendition. Complete with a candle on a piece of dessert pizza.

Did you know I've graduated to 2 packs of candles now? No longer will a single, 24-pack cover the years.


But we filled our stomachs and then camped the weekend away at Pedernales Falls State Park. The weather was beautiful, the scenery was serene, and it was everything I could have asked for for my birthday weekend.

Some photo highlights!

(this is Turner Jackson). (the Kyoo mom got him for me). (he basically saved the camping trip, along with Fred Pastasaurus, because we had no utensils otherwise).

(Fred Pastasaurus).

(Paul shamelessly taking pictures).

(of these cars). (we rolled up to a gas station and I shouted "pretty cars!" while Paul started breathlessly exclaiming words like "Lamborghini" and "Ferrari" and "Corvette"). (we meant the same thing).

(and we followed them for a while). (so the boys could drool).

(the Gregchores).

(this concludes my photo dump).

(except for this one).

(my birthday cobbler). (with 25 candles). (i was basically holding a flaming bowl). (of wax).

Hopefully my wish comes true!

Have a great day :-)


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the shout-out. :)

Alisha said...

Haha! Great pics!
You have bigger muscles than Paul :) I'm sure of it!
Love the pic of Kely in jail... And stop creeping behind me like a villain when I'm trying to balance on the rock!