Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yoo 274 - Date night...roller skating style.

The Gregscholar and I have two things going for our "he's still in school and I'm a tight-wad" dating life right now:

1) He doesn't have classes on Wednesday nights.


2) I have a not-so-closet love affair with groupon.

So, I buy exciting groupons on a whim, he gives me his Wednesday nights, and we call it a date. It's working maaaaaaarvelously.

Last week we used my roller skating groupon. I saw that one and immediately thought "childhood birthday party memories!" (fortunately I don't have any tragic experiences related to those...though I hear that's abnormal). Upon further research I also discovered that Wednesday night was this rink's adult skate. And that sealed the deal.

People watching opportunities, if nothing else. We were going roller skating!

And I'm pleased to report that this particular groupon certainly lived up to the initial hype.

Reasons number one being the carpet.

(ahhhhh that psycedelic carpet with its delicious swirly patterns and wheel-stopping texture).

Reasons number two being the door-less restroom stalls.

(not that that was awkward but...that was awkward. as if trying to sit on a toilet whilst wearing roller skates isn't enough. no. you get an audience, too).


Reasons number three being the backward skate song...wherein I skated backwards...and didn't fall.

(i was real proud of my gregographer for capturing the moment. i'd daresay it has some artistic quality with the focus. and all on an iphone! he got a high-five).

Reasons number four was being with this dude.

(ahhhhhhhh...just kidding, i know that probably makes you want to gag. but if you got to hang with him, you'd love it too. the laughter is nonstop).

(annnnnnd now you really are gagging. mucho sorrys!)

Well, since you're gagging and we're already on that topic...! Muahahahaha! This is getting more romantic by the second! (it was a date).

Ok, I'm done with the mushy!

Now, in an effort to redeem myself, reasons number five was the included hot dog dinner.

(mmmmmm, hot dogs).

Just kidding, I'm not a huge fan But we were roller skating and it was a go big or go home night. So I sat at that table with the disco lights dancing across my arms and the speakers blaring "Thriller", smothered my dog in a thick layer of ketchup, and savored every last bite.

Which brings me to reasons number six. The people watching, of course. It was prime-time!! If you have not been to a roller rink on adult night recently, go. I am not poking fun at anyone here. I was so enthralled with the people I saw and their love for roller skating and their was just entertaining!

There was the 80-year-old man in short black shorts who could move better on skates than I can on my own two feet. Then there was the man I'll call a retired speed-skater, buzzing around the outside of the rink in competitive style. A group of friends all dressed in sick 70s costumes came skating in later. Some of my favorites were the younger guys sporting their street styles and busting all sorts of moves to the music. And the man wearing Hammer pants. And lets not forget the roller derby girls in all their risky garb, moving around like they owned the place. My personal favorite? The elderly gentleman, with a walker!  He was unbelievable! Now, I know you're thinking, "Well yeah, he had a walker...I could be the next Tara Lipinski if I had a walker". And I'm here to say no. No you couldn't. He was good. Like, making his skates move in ways I didn't even know was possible good. I was inspired.

Not to roller skate. Just to be that good at something when I'm 70. Something cool.

I wanted to take pictures of my fave peeps of the night...but I thought that'd be a little rude? Especially posting them on the blog. Sorry!

Just trust me when I say, the next time you're bored, your local skate rink might not be a bad option.

In the groupon queue for tonight is a "savory" crepes dinner and glow-in-the-dark mini golf. I'm really hoping the mini golf lives up to the hype because we have to go twice...

Have a great day :-)

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