Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Yoo 372 - We Celebrated With Chocolate Cake

Marriage license day! After literally running to the courthouse (5 flights of stairs in the parking garage, 3 city blocks, and 2 looooooong hallways...not to mention security) we made it to the courthouse one minute before closing. It was kind of excitement! I felt like a bounding gazelle....with the Gregasaurus clomping purposefully behind me.

We were a sight!

The shop windows kept reminding me that I really looked like an obese, sweaty gazelle carrying a purse...but we'll leave well-enough alone.

The first and only thing you should know about obtaining a marriage license in Bexar county is to NOT under ANY circumstances, exhibit a friendly demeanor or express excitement about your impending matrimony. STONE COLD people. It's the way. Understand that and you're fine.

We learned this quickly and escaped with the license and only a few audible grumbles from the Kyoo section about government workers and poorly allocated tax funds.

I know I promised all of the juicy bridal shower details...but that was before I had to sprint for my marriage license. I can run for miles. But not fast. Those five minutes took a lot of effort and now I must rest...tomorrow!

No work, bridal shower pics, and a Happy 4th! I'm feeling great about the prospects of this Wednesday, how about you??

Have a great day :-)

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