Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Yoo 424 - He Won Gymnastics Tickets

There was a bit of excitement and pride felt on Friday morning as the Gregcontestant proudly texted:

"I'm about to be on 1200"

Radio station 1200 for Charlie Parker's "Flashback" contest, that is.

I excitedly put my headphones on and tuned in. And then I got nervous. My husband was about to be on the radio! What if he messed up? What if he sounded like a dork? Ahhhhh!

Oh me of little faith.

The radio fairies played a bunch of sound snippets from presidential speeches and songs and other odds and ends from a single year and then put the pressure on my Gregman.

"Which year? 1961, 1962, or 1963?"

And do you know what happened? Probably but I'm going to detail it anyways. That history-nerd-husband of mine, without so much as a pause to ponder, boldly answered: "1963" (see how that's bolded? i have so many tricks.) And then Charlie Parker stopped the game. There were two other contestants but they're kind of pointless after someone gets the answer right.

And the Gregcontestant got the answer right. Clearly.


That's actually kind of funny if you think about it. I was all excited when he won, thinking it was going to be some grand prize...and then it was...gymnastics tickets. Not to discount the gymnastics tour! It was cool! But they gave me a whole 3 seconds to fantasize over the possibilities and my wishful thinking jumped right over gymnastics tickets, go figure.

I mean, I was sure we'd won a vacation. <-- joking

So there we were, at the "Tour of Gymnastics Champions" Friday night. I thought it was going to be like our Disney on Ice date where we partied it up with a bunch of preteen girls and their parents. But luckily there were enough adult gymnastics enthusiasts that we could blend in.

It might have had something to do with the men. If cheering levels are any indication of gymnastics approval ratings, they definitely went up when these dudes took the floor.

Jordyn Weiber. Still my favorite.

Tron meets trampoline. Awesome.

A diapered man on the parallel bars? Yes.

Blurry...but gets the point across.


I hate to think what awful things fluorescent pink, yellow, and blue pants would do to my legs and rear. Gymnasts really can wear anything.

***** INTERMISSION *****

Surprisingly, the rhythmic gymnasts had some of the best routines. I never watch them in the Olympics. But live? Jaw-dropping.

And then the men got hoisted up about 20 feet in the air. On the rings. And they did stuff like that ^. Maybe it was a little more impressive.

They were being lowered when I snapped this. So it doesn't do their actual distance-from-the-floor appearance any justice.

But still. That ^ is a man flipping a woman from a handstand on his hands. Not really something you'd yawn thru.

Lights and disco balls. Win.

A blurry Gabby Douglas!

A leotard-signing Gabby Douglas! (everything you do is exciting when you're the all-around gold medalist, i guess).

The women's Olympic team. Also, Nastia Liukin is in that mix too.

And now to the point.

The men's Olympic team.

No, they didn't win a gold medal.

And this might be a bit excessive.

But are you complaining? Ok, the Kyoo dad is probably complaining.

I'll stop.

After this.

The Kyoo sister scolded me saying the show was wasted on my married eyes. She's probably right.

But it was still a great show! Gymnastics continues to inspire and wow me. The stunts they train their bodies to perform??

Kind of awesome.

*(the gregwinner wants me to note that the tickets were worth $80 a piece. something about making his winnings sound more legit?)

Have a great day :-)

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