Monday, October 8, 2012

Yoo 423 - Locked Out

This isn't your typical "general conference weekend was amazing!" post. Mostly because I unexpectedly found myself standing in the Home Depot on Sunday morning. Wearing a sweater with BYU-Idaho emblazoned across it in big, bold letters, no less. Also dragging my Gregman and a close friend with me.

Because sinning is always more justifiable in groups?

What happened was...I locked us out of the house. Remember how we had to change locks just last Tuesday? Whelp. The locks got changed on one door but I never attached the new key to my key ring. And up until Sunday morning, I'd always just grabbed the new key whenever I left.

You're probably recognizing how easily this all could have been avoided. "Hey Kyoo! Put the new key with all your other keys!"

Trust me. Already sat thru that lecture with the Gregcritic.

So there we were, leaving the house on a quick jaunt to the mailbox together, like a grossly in love newlywed couple.

"Do you have the keys?"

"Yeah I have the keys." <-- said in a mildly annoyed tone

Because I did have the keys. The keys that let us in our front door and also our mailbox.

It wasn't until we got back and I approached the door that I got that sinking feeling. The one you get when you know you're screwed and you know no way out of it.

"Boo I don't think I have the right keys."

I knew I didn't. But I wasn't ready for full-on panic yet.

"What do you mean you don't have the right keys?? I asked if you had the keys! Can't we get in the front door?"

Ha. We couldn't get in the front door.

"The inside dead-bolt is engaged on that one."

We were stuck. Real stuck. All our windows were locked and the only door that didn't have the inside dead-bolt engaged was the one we didn't have the key to. I laughed, because that's all I could do. And also pondered my home insurance and whether or not that would cover a locksmith.

Like roadside assistance? For your house.

This is where we all need to recognize that, despite my initial ignorance, I had a stroke of brilliance.

I get those sometimes when large amounts of money are at stake. (thinking about paying a locksmith was really motivating me to be creative).

Remembering that we had just bought the new door hardware at Home Depot, and that most of their locks had the same key sequence, I called the Alishafriend. We didn't have our car keys or any form of payment so she was crucial to the plan.

And she ignored me.

So I called again.

Alisha knows that if I call twice, it's an emergency.

This time she answered, sporting her darling "morning voice". This is where I begged. And begged. And begged. Because she was still in bed.

"Hey! Friend! This is going to be a really funny story to look back on someday but right now I need you to take me to Home Depot and buy me a new doorknob...!"

That went over well.

While we were waiting we hunkered down in our storage shed to keep warm. Cause not only did I lock us out, but I locked us out on the coldest day of the year. Fifties! And the Greggers was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Originally we weren't expecting to be outside that long...

That's my "Heh...I locked us out and I'm not even cute to make up for it!" face.

Alisha came, we rolled into Home Depot, prayed for divine inspiration in the door knob aisle as to which key sequence was right, decided to just buy a bunch, and then left.

But not before Alisha ratted us out to the checkout lady.

"They're locked out of their house and are hoping one of these keys will work."

"Oh! Y'all had a little too much fun last night, didn't you?!" she replied.

"Ha! They wish that was the case."

She drove us back and I prepared myself to call a locksmith. I was feeling less confident in my plan that one of the keys would match our door.


Lo and behold. One of them worked! And we got back in our house without breaking the door window (that was my second plan) OR calling a locksmith (third plan).

So now you know all about how I locked us out AND broke the Sabbath AND still saved the day. And gave the Alishafriend an opportunity to serve...because those are in such short supply...

I probably learned my lesson. At least, for the last 12 hours anyways, I've been really paranoid about keys.

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I think this qualifies as an "ox in the mire" ;)