Friday, March 15, 2013

Yoo 459 - Senility Strikes Early

Greetings from the confines of my cubicle!

This cockroach says hi, too. Except from the exotic locales of a restroom stall.

Remember to ask me about an unfortunate lizard and whether he survived a giant attack this morning. Later. Verdict is still out.

Now that we're past the introduction, funny story.

With a real riveting opening line, no less: I was in a meeting at work a few days ago. And we were discussing business rules and other such drivel for a project and there was a big spiel about the age of 26 and yadda-yadda-yadda, I leaned over to a coworker and whispered, "This is weird, I'm not even 26."

Which, in the context of the conversation, was funny. Just trust me on that.

Fast forward to this morning, in my bathroom.

I was brushing my teeth and remembered it was a friend's birthday and tried to calculate her age, but I needed my age, and after a lengthy "wait a minute..." moment, it dawned on me that I am, in fact, 26.

Sinking feeling.

I'm pretty sure I'll remember 27 since its my favorite number, but after that...all bets are off.

And people are miffed when I forget their birthday?? I don't even remember my own age!

(dylan...let this be my formal acknowledgement that your birthday is in a few days and i am aware of that...and planning let's all be forgiving if nothing actually happens on the day itself)

In conclusion, I'm convinced there is a killer whale living in the walls at work. He swims by and says hi with his Orca call every morning at 7:56. Except sometimes it's 7:57, he isn't the most punctual whale. And other sometimes he says hi twice. Those are especially lucky days.

It's a real highlight of my morning and I think I just found inspiration for a children's book...

Have a great day :-)

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