Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yoo 462 - Locked Out and Table Clutter

I locked myself out of the house again last night.

This time I cleaned out the shed and tuned up our bikes. I'm starting to think I subconsciously do this on purpose to get things done that I otherwise wouldn't do.

But I still have to ask...why are there door handles that open when they're locked?? I have never seen a valid purpose for these. I want to know when my door is locked without memorizing if the thinga needs to be horizontal or vertical! Or even have to check for that! And I'd much rather take the second to unlock the door, if it was locked and I was trying to open it, than just have it open.

They're dumb and I'm blaming an inanimate object for my stupidity.

I feel better already.

In other news, my dining room table.

It's buried again. This time it's been turned into a work bench for the many spring projects I have in progress.

Kind of horrific, but I've actually been using my circular saw on it. Well, not literally on it but you get the point. Does that make you cringe?

I want a workspace like on Norm Abram's "The New Yankee Workshop" but I can't get one until my dad gets one and so here I wait in line, using my dining room table. I was working outside, but then the patio project took up that space and all the other projects just migrated inside.

I've decided that keeping the dining table clear is a losing battle. We've never kept it clear for longer than a few days. When I look back on our early marriage, I will have very few memories of us actually sitting at that table eating dinner.

Instead, I'll remember walking passed it carrying plates into the living room.

And here's Greg.

He's working super hard and we're still holding out hope for a summer internship. If he doesn't get one, we're going to fly back to New Zealand and backpack around until they kick us out of the country. And then we'll buy cheap land in West Texas and just camp there and fight off bears and mountain lions and eat deer for the rest of our lives.

At least that's the current backup plan.

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

I completely agree with you on the locks! That's how they are in my classroom and I've locked myself out so many times this year! Also, we're the same way with the kitchen table. At our other house and the apartment we just ate while watching tv. Now the tv's downstairs so we just shove things out of the way so we can eat. It's amazing the difference it makes to have a clean table! Unfortunately, we're both people who just set stuff down on a flat surface, so it's rarely clean.