Monday, October 14, 2013

Yoo 528 - Pumpkin Pie

First and foremost, let's talk about that make-shift crust decoration going on up there. Don't judge. One time I made pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner and took the time to hand-cut a million leaves out of the dough and lovingly arrange them around the pie. And you know what? The pie tasted the same and no one even ate the crust. I'm not bitter anymore but I have resolved to never waste my life beautifying pie crusts again.

Now to the point, event though there isn't one.

The other night, as I was fast asleep, Greg came back to bed and announced that he'd just thrown up. I grumbled that that was disgusting and told him to go be sick in the guest bedroom. And now here I am today trying to earn back a few wife points.

With pumpkin pie.

Greg LOVES pumpkin pie. I love pumpkin pie. And I was actually trying to surprise him with it last week, made the pie crust and everything, before I realized that we had no evaporated milk. So there went those plans. But still trying to get some credit for my efforts, I called to inform him of my good intentions and before I even got to the excuse of no evaporated milk he responded with "How? We don't have evaporated milk."

Apparently my husband KNOWS pumpkin pie. Then I got to listen to the story about how he always made the pies for his family's Thanksgiving dinner and usually had to eat the whole pumpkin pie because nobody else liked it. I mean, he really had a rough childhood, that one. If nothing he came out of it with a strong sense of duty.

So circling back to today, I had condensed milk and there is now a pumpkin pie in the oven. Also, there is a dog who likes to stretch out right in the middle of my kitchen floor and remind me that he is available to lick any dishes or test the food.

He's really helpful.

Also of note, my best Canadian texted me today with permission to eat a piece of pie in honor of Thanksgiving Day there. Only I was already eating a piece of pie at that very moment. That's serendipity, right? My serendipitous moments would involve food.

And here we are at the bottom of this post. I'm still waiting on that pumpkin pie and now Roscoe and I are officially locked in this room while Greg takes a practice exam. It could take hours and Roscoe is already giving me the crazy look and the pie smell is wafting up those stairs...

This too should be earning me more wife points.

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Looks awesome! Pie is the best. :)