Monday, December 23, 2013

Yoo 574 - Hello Again, Pups, and Snow

We're not in New Zealand this year but we are in Nebraska and that's almost as good :-)

I've been a little absent from the blog for a while. It was a combination of lots of hours online shopping, a few more hours agitated by a dying computer, and even more hours re-organizing my whole house. I wasn't planning on re-organizing my whole house but the bug bit one day. I think it started with the living room shelves and then I had to get scissors in a different part of the house to finish something in the living room and then that drawer needed re-organizing and that just dominoed into the whole house.

I even mostly finished and it looks great for now. The highlight of the multi-week project was finding Greg's old elementary school journals. And a few letters from girls past! He was pretty cute and it was pretty fun.

But like I said, now we're in Nebraska. We got here yesterday after spending all day on the road and unexpectedly ending up in Topeka, KS. Topeka, KS is about 2 hours worth of a detour from the route of least resistance so that was a low-point in the day. Greg missed a crucial intersection in Wichita, KS and I didn't catch it because my eyes were glued to my phone and Netflix. As much as I hated Kansas at that point, Roscoe got to play in snow for the first time! He loved it, of course.

It's been pretty great to be home....minus Roscoe getting banned from the living room for mistaking the Christmas tree for his restroom and the near zero temperatures.

Have a great day :-)

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