Thursday, December 17, 2015

Yoo 686 - Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam!

But first a really long drive from Sequoia NP to Las Vegas. During that, a stop for salads because after eating camp food for a week, we wanted nothing but vegetables. ALL THE FRESH VEGETABLES.

Sorry, can't park your horse here.

Middle of nowhere! I think I was trying to capture the cool clouds.

And Edwards Air Force Base! I want to park myself in one of the air towers here and just watch all the jets. Also, the history of this place.

And then viva Las Vegas!

Just kidding. We're not really Vegas people. We lucked into a cheap Marriott just off the strip, and had intentions to go watch the Bellagio fountains, but fell asleep instead. Eventually, BREAKFAST. It was delicious. Oh, also our first shower in a week. I guess that was nice. And packing for my flight later. We did walk around the strip that morning, but it was mostly for exercise so we could justify second free breakfast.

Finally, the Hoover Dam.

We walked across the "Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge", much to the chagrin of my fear of heights.

And straddled the state line.

And a quick jaunt across the dam itself. Though actually not-so-quick. The Arizona side is nice and has free parking, but only the very upper-most lots had empty spots. So there was a hike down and around the better half of a mountain. Then back up.

We didn't do an official tour, though I really would have liked to. A, we didn't have time. And B, I probably should save some of the fun for family trips later in my life. Like when I make all of my kids endure massive road trips for educational purposes. Which they will love me for and thank me endlessly.

You're welcome kids.

There was just enough time for a late lunch at Cafe Rio before Morgan ditched me at the airport so she could make it to her night shift back in Saint George.

The flight home was uneventful, except for the fact that I was at the end of "Merle's Door" and had to put the book down and listen to some rock music to keep from crying on the airplane. DOGS SHOULDN'T DIE.

I was a weeping mess when I finally picked that book up to finish it a few weeks later. Still an awesome book.

Also, this picture from Morgan with a text: "I found some of your stuff in my bag"

Except none of that is my stuff. And none of it was her stuff. Somehow, during this trip, we ended up stealing a poor soul's toiletries bag. We're thinking it fell in one of our food bags in the communal bear locker at Yosemite?

We're really sorry!

Have a great day :-)

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