Thursday, May 5, 2016

Yoo 700 - Pretty In Pink

Church on Sunday left room for improvement. I tried harder and we were twice as late. Skylar is definitely a baby on her own schedule! Getting anywhere at a certain time right now is a gamble and I have to try to juggle her feedings/naps juuuuuust right to make it happen.

Everything everyone told me was true!

But I love it.

Also, Skylar wore the pinkest of pink dresses to church. With matching lace booties. Actually, for the record, while she was at church the dress was on backwards. Greg got her dressed. But she was in her covered carseat the whole time so no one even saw. And it's my favorite thing when he does stuff like that. Love him.

More importantly, a month ago I was never going to dress my daughter, if I had a daughter, in girly clothes. And now look where we are! My mom brought down a handful of dresses she still had from me and my sisters and I love every one. If Skylar had any reason to wear anything but onesies most days of the week, I'd dress her up in them more often, just to get more use out of them before she's too big. 

I'm also on a mission to acquire bows and cute headbands.

Who am I??

Other updates. I tripped over Roscoe a couple nights ago as I was stumbling back to my room in the dark after feeding Skylar. He was sprawled out directly in my path and completely flattened me. I was so I laugh about it now. This wasn't the first time and probably won't be the last. Normally I know to tread lightly, looking for him, but sometimes I'm just too tired to think about it.

Speaking of pups, my nursing buddy...

He loves Skylar. Mostly because of the smells she is capable of producing. And the spit-up. He's come in handy as a carpet cleaner more than once...

Are you completely disgusted? I feel like it's loads better than when he eats old poop. Or dead things.

Smil is here for the week! Mostly to spoil Roscoe, but I think she likes a bit of Skylar time too...

Daddy-daughter nap time. Sometimes I look at Greg and hate him for getting to sleep longer than three hours at at time. (Kidding...). But mostly I love watching him grow into his role as a dad. He loves his little girl and is so willing to help where he can. Even if I joke that every time she starts getting fussy, he brings her to me with, "I think she's hungry..."

And finally, work. This is the longest I've been away! The first week was torture and I had anxiety about not being there. It was just really weird to be working one Friday, everything normal, and then suddenly, over a weekend, I have a baby and am not even allowed to log in remotely and check on things. Or go to the gym! It all happened so fast. But now I'm settling in to my time off and it's going to be so fun in a few weeks when anxiety about going back sets in.

Oh the rollercoaster.

Have a great day :-)

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