Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kyoo 154

Lincoln, NE airport is listed as one of the space shuttle launch abort landing sites. That would have been so cool if one had landed there back when I lived in Lincoln! I want to see a space shuttle for real. They are quite the flying machine.

I made the whole space transportation system out of a candy wrapper (shuttle), chapstick tube (fuel tank), and two rolls of Smartees candies (rocket boosters) at church on Sunday. It was pretty realistic. The only problem was I had to lean the system against my Bible for it to stand becuase I decided against my original idea of using the gum in my mouth to hold it all together. Yes, sometimes I am couth.

My mind is on space again because I got to meet an astronaut yesterday. John Blaha. He worked at USAA as an executive for a number of years after he left NASA and came back yesterday to talk about his experiences on board the space station MIR. It was pretty much the coolest hour I've ever gotten paid for in my life. I even asked him a question in front of the whole audience. Something about what it's like to experience gravitiy again after a long-duration space mission.

In other news, I had my first concert with the USAA band this evening. Band nerds are band nerds no matter what stage of life they're in. I have so much fun with the band. Most of us rode together on the bus and joked around the whole way. Old and young. The concert went pretty well too. We were playing at a retired veteran community and elderly people make such a great audience. They have no inhibitions and don't hide their emotions. They sang and clapped and danced. It brought back memories of being on tour with my college band and how much fun that was. Except that I didn't have to help with the demolition of setup afterwards. We have a paid road crew. All we have to do is show up!

And I get quite a few free meals by being in the band. Another perk!

Have a great day :)

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