Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kyoo 157

One of these days I'll learn to be on time. That day was not last Sunday.

I had a band concert at the Majestic with the USAA band and I missed the bus. This was a big deal for me. We were meeting at USAA, which is just 3 miles from my house and offers free parking and a social, enjoyable transport downtown. Instead, I got to circle around the garage, realize I was too late, drive 12 traffic-filled miles downtown, circle around the theater a few times to figure out how to pull into the parking garage, and then fork out $7 to park at the top level and sulk down 6 flights of stairs carrying Calvin. And that was just getting there. On the way home, it took a good 20 minutes of idling in a long line to even pull out. And then I drove aimlessly around downtown for a while longer waiting for Garmin to acquire satellite signal again and direct me home.

Next time......!

But other than that, the concert was pretty sweet. I forgot how awesome it is to perform in a place with good acoustics. For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed my sound and felt confident. And there's a lot of history at that theater. It was fun to walk around and take it all in from a performer's perspective.

I almost passed out and puked at the same time after finishing my run today. I'm going to blame that on the fact that I was running in weather that was 30 degrees hotter than what I'm used to. Not my fitness level. Nevertheless, it was a good feeling. My next marathon is less than 20 weeks away!

I've got a long ways to go with that and my GRE prep.

Back to work.

Have a great day :)


Snickers said...

I love you, but you will NEVER learn to be on time. I'm sorry

Unknown said...

Teagan! I just read all of your blogs since the beginning of the year. Know what I came up with? I love how fun you are.