Sunday, January 8, 2012

Yoo 250 - To Do In A Hick Town, Pt 2

Welcome back y'all!

I've got lots to post about the Bandera 50k, but I'm waiting on the results and pictures before I do an official "race recap".  So until then, it's time for more country travels!

My home town's pretty cool by itself, but there's just heaps of fun and adventure to be found in the surrounding miles and towns.

Pile in the car, we're going on a road trip!

First stop:  Edgar.

Best thing to do here is to grab your love and head on over to the Sugar Shack...ohh la la!

To buy candles, of course. Or country crafts. Or other odds and ends. I'm a fan of cinnamony scents, so Apple Pie is among muh favorites. And isn't this globe ornament cool?? It was only $1.23!

One thing's for sure, your nose won't be bored here. Even if you're congested.  But your boyfriend might so it's time to move on.  Fairfield's next!

And on the way there, we're going to play "Hey cow!".  All you need is a field full of cows.  (don't stress, they're everywhere here).

Alright, ready?  Now on the count of three...1...2...3...

"HEY COW!!!"

Two points!  Not bad for your first try!

I think they like the attention.  Plus, you have to give the cows a little shout out now and then.  Especially right before you eat them.

The Butcher Shop is next!

They'll take care of all your butchering and processing needs.  All kinds and cuts of meat to buy!  The Gregcarnivore might turn into a salivating mess though so we can't spend too much time here.  Just long enough to read the country cartoon calendar and buy some beef jerky.  Mmmmm...BBQ beef jerky.

Try some!

While you gnaw away on that, we'll head on over to one of the best bird-watching spots in Nebraska...Massie Lagoon!

It's just a few miles outside of town and I'm a little ashamed to admit I have yet to see a bird there...but supposedly they show up by the thousands during spring migration.

In fact, there's a grand 'ol festival to celebrate all the birds while they're here.  Spring Wing Ding!

At least there used to be.  This flyer is from 1999 so I'm not sure if they do this anymore.  But I remember my high school science teacher Mr. Heftie being all sorts of excited about the Spring Wing Ding every year.  There were bonus points to be had if you went to one of his bird workshops or tours too.

I don't think I ever went.  How lame is that?  Where else do they have a spring wing ding??  Let this be a lesson learned...take advantage of your opportunities!  I mean, I missed seeing all of this being commandeered by water fowl every year!

Do you think they served duck at the "Wetland Buffet" on Friday night?  I may never know...

Well, that about rounds up our tour for today.  Sure wish I could take you over to the field where all my P-dogs live but we'll have to save that for another time.  I didn't get to visit them on this last trip!  But I'm sure they're still there.  One thing you can always count on, those P-dogs.

Next time we'll check out all the "culinary confections" and quirks that Hastings has to offer!

Trust me, you don't want to miss out on that excitement!

Have a great day :-)

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