There was this one time everyone at work knew I loved free food. (ok, it's all the time). And so they told me about Einstein Bagel's marketing campaign when they were opening a new store. "First 50 customers get free bagel sandwiches for a year."
Guys. This was a really good deal! Those sandwiches aren't cheap.
And I was about to close on my house, remember? Free food was welcome.

So I pulled in all willing participants and we set up camp outside the new bagel shop all night. It might have been overkill (read: it was) (we were the only ones camping out) but we got our free bagel sandwiches for a year coupons and I just thoroughly enjoyed that, thank you.

I was the first one in line too. That was something for the journal, yessiree.
And speaking of food, there was also this time the Alishafriend and I joined the weight loss challenge at work. We drank as much water as we could hold and wore our heaviest clothes for the initial weigh-in. In it to win it! We exercised and dieted until we couldn't take it anymore. We were so hungry and depressed by day two that we threw in the towel and enjoyed a hearty meal at Alamo Cafe. ("hey Bob...keep these tortillas coming and we will be the best tip of your long day...sound good?"). Followed by a shopping spree at Academy. Don't ask.

The good news is, we still lost weight by the end of the competition. The bad news is, I'm fairly certain, it was just that water weight.
Extreme dieting is not the way!

This is a good one. We're getting to some boy stories. I won't tell you about all the months before when I noticed him and he didn't notice me. Or how I only raised my hand to volunteer as a "leader" at this youth conference at church after I saw that his was raised as well. (also, the theme was "Flight Plan for Life" and there was going to be a pilot speaking). (that might have been the real reason I volunteered but the first scenario is more romantic so let's run with that). This youth conference was the first time we really met and started talking. I became friends with his buddy Jen and the Greginterest became deeply enthralled with me. (my blog, my perspective).
But back to the picture! This was after a long day wherein I'd been pelted with water balloons and dunked in a water booth 8 times. (and gotten yelled at by a "real" adult for using my cell phone. but I'm not bitter.). Us "leaders" snuck away to relax for a bit before chaperoning duties at the dance and wound up at this touristy saloon and gift shop in Boerne called the Tall Pony. Greg wasn't there but Jen and I sure ripped into this innocent boy fresh off his mission with all our man woes. And drank really delicious root beer. When we got back, Greg was jealous we'd gone without him so we promised him we'd go again sometime.
We still haven't. But it's on the list!
More with Jen. And Speed enters the picture!

We sure went on some fun biking adventures, us 3. They entailed thick mud, Josh Groban, glazed donuts, miles in McAllister Park, miles at O.P. Schnabel Park, miles at Government Canyon, a car wash for our bikes, begging for quarters at a corner gas station, and of course the IHOP with Mama Kay.
Mama Kay! She was there every time we went. And every time she had more wisdom to pass on to us. My favorite was when she taught us how to make a crab out of a lemon and napkin. Oh that entertained us for ages!
But there was also this one time Speed was really cold. So Jen and I put our creative minds to work and made him a blanket by sewing napkins together with straw wrappers. Naturally. That, coupled with hot chocolate, solved the problem.
And his name really is Speed. Cool? Cool.
Are you ready for this next one? It's from my first unofficial date with the Gregbeau. Unofficial because there were supposed to be other people there. But still a date because he paid. And it was planned. And we were (unintentionally) paired off.
Here you go.

Isn't that special?! One for posterity, right there. My handiwork, by the way. It's not the first time I've played with my leftover food. I don't know what it is. I guess I eat really fast and then get bored while I'm waiting for whomever to finish. I used to have a bunch of pictures in my phone of all my after-dinner sculptures but I seem to have deleted them all. Shame too. That was art.
But I do have this gem:
From my rice-krispies-treats-sculpting FHE activity, of course. (you know you come to this blog for FHE ideas...). It's a space shuttle. You should know.
And, let's not forget that this was also the summer one of my best college friends got married! I flew up to Utah to be there for their special day. I'll just throw this out there: I normally hate weddings. They usually take up a perfectly good Friday or Saturday night. There! I said it. But it was pretty fun to spend time with them leading up to that day. And walk around at the temple like a stalker taking pictures of the real photographer taking pictures. (so they had some for the reception later).
It was pretty cool. And we still keep in touch so that's even cooler.
Is that a wrap? I think that's a wrap! I'm glad too. Now I can finally delete those pictures off my phone!
Have a great day :-)
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