I just sliced it pretty good whilst washing a knife. *dork stamp*. So while that's throbbing away, let's talk about birthdays!

I've been celebrating mine at work for a week now. My coworkers have spoiled me...

...and spoiled me...

and spoiled me some more.

It's been brutally delicious. I've probably gained a pound or two. But I still have plenty of time to slim up again before the DC marathon in March...yesh.
So, tomorrow is the big quarter-century. I wasn't fretting over it until pretty much everyone at work made a BIG deal about it and told me I should be getting worried. I mean, I was just excited to finally reach the milestone of not having to pay extra fees when renting a car. But these people make it sound like I'm going to be sliding into 30 in no time. I can't say I'm in my lower 20s anymore!
It's not really the age that makes me panic. It's the crow's feet. They're starting to show. But, according to Mike at work, they're not legit until you make a surprised face and can still see them.
Mine aren't legit yet. But I'd argue they're close.
And gray hairs? Oh yeah, I've got that base covered too. Those are coming in in droves! Lets blame that on work, ok?
I work around too many old people. They complain about aches and pains and how their bodies don't work right anymore. It wears a kid down! But at the same time, it motivates me. I've got to live and enjoy and take care of my body while I'm still young and all my parts are working! I want to be one of those 80-year-olds still running marathons with a big, stupid smile on my face.
Which means I should probably start laying off more of those donuts...
Plus, the Gregyouth gets told all the time how young he looks and even miss Darlene at work swore she thought I was robbing the cradle when I introduced them. Not ok.

Now for the busted doors. My shed door won't open. Simple as that. I turn the knob, and the latch thing that's supposed to move, doesn't. That was fun to discover this morning when I went to get my bike out. Not. Looks like I have a date with more You Tube tutorials in the near future! Hopefully that goes better than my last DIY attempt...
Also in the near future is an all-day "runabout" and a weekend camping trip. Celebrating the birthday in style! I'll tell you all about it on Sunday.
Until then, let it be said that whether I look 25 or 35, I'm determined to make the best of this twenty-fifth year of my life. I've got all I need and so much more!
(gray hairs and crow's feet included).
And if you really want to make a birthday girl feel special, drop a comment with a favorite memory of us? Not much better than reminiscing with good laughs on your birthday!
Keep rockin' it.
Have a great day :-)
Happy Birthday!!!!! One of my favorite memories of us is standing and talking to you in the doorway to our hall in the HV 3 house. You were holding a giant bowl of pistachio pudding and some how dropped it and it exploded all over the house, including on the ceiling and carpet. From what I remember, several semesters later that carpet was still crunchy from the pudding! Oh, and all of our late night talks :) "Put me in the game, Coach!"
Haha! I busted up laughing remembering the pudding. It flew everywhere!! I thought it was chocolate? But if I was really eating pistachio back then, go me! I love pistachio now. And we really did have some good late night talks! I remember them fondly :-)
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