Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yoo 269 - We had reservations...

I feel a little pretentious just saying this, but, the Gregbeau and I had reservations last week. At a restaurant.

Roll out the folded napkins and army of silverware, we're going out!

Ok, it wasn't that big of a deal.

But I was nervous? I've never eaten at a place where I've had to have reservations! Well, not outside of work. You get wined and dined pretty schnazzily as a college IT hire. And then after as a college recruiter. But on my own? The fanciest the Gregdiner and I had gone was Maggianos. With a gift card. (and they pretty much sat a WHOLE chicken in front of me...I might tell you about that sometime). But never have I intentionally gone anywhere that I've had to be on my best "look like you're worth some greenbacks" behavior. (I'm really bad at that). (I'm told comments like "$12 for a single drumstick from a developmentally-challenged baby chicken??" don't help). (and also maybe my jeans and a t-shirt attire).

I wore my pea coat though! That's a step in the right direction, yes?

But seriously. I don't think I'll ever consider a taco the size of a sand dollar worth 10 bucks. Hello! Taco Cabana.

But it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be (the bill...go groupon) and we had a great time. It was probably one of the most romantic dates we've been on. And by romantic I mean there were real candles at the table and the windows were decked in Christmas lights. And the chairs were plush and hugged your body just so.

And there was a little pink carnation! It was real, too.

And there was me shushing the Gregchatter and reminding him that we needed to act sophisticated and look like we belonged.

Why did I do that again?

I don't know. But I got over it and we laughed and "mmmmm'd" our way thru the meal. And only asked "which fork?" once!

Still, the best part of the date was near the end when we almost passed out in the car from laughing so hard at the bad lip reading Ron Paul and other videos. "Free bananas!" We're pretty simple people.

(thanks to the Katiefriend for that referral).

But can you pass the Lamb Tagine? Ohhh, and the Moroccan Chicken Lollipops too, please?

And don't worry, I won't let you go without the latest "Classic Kyoo" story. Ready? Good.

This one concerns the locker room in the fitness center at work. A certain locker in this locker room, to be more specific. One I've all but put my name on.

It's my go-to locker!

Well, this past week I've been real bitter because it was locked every. day. And I kept thinking "who is stealing my locker??". And then I thought "it's prolly one of those resolutioners all gung-ho and high off January". (nothing wrong with them...I was kind of one last year...but there are problems when "my" locker and "spot" get invaded, ok?).

Well, the bitterness continued as I "hmphed" everyday after getting to work, saw it locked, and noisely turned to the adjoining locker. The inconvenience!

That is, until this morning. When I went to pull my headphones from a little pocket in my bag befor my run. And a bright yellow locker key fell out.

"That's weird." I thought. "I haven't grabbed a locker yet today."

And then I put two and two together. Sure enough! I was the locker thief.

I guess I'd taken the key last week without realizing it.

Go me.

It's like one of those church stories. Mote in neighbors eye, beam in your own. Or, their laundry hanging out to dry looks dirty but really your windows need cleaned.

Just like that.

(don't ask me how long the Alishafriend and I deliberated whether a beam or a mote was bigger). (or what a mote actually was). (we couldn't remember). (but we get the point...the one in your eye is it still counts).

I get those lessons all the time. It's kind of painful. Should I be learning something?

Yes? I'll work on that...

Until then just don't steal my locker, ok?

Have a great day :-)