Monday, February 13, 2012

Yoo 278 - Keith Urban Concert...Pre-iPhone Tragedy

I'm pretty sure I should be shopping around for a new phone and getting that all taken care of. But I think I'm still in denial and feeling pretty apathetic about the situation. I'd be feeling even more apathetic about it if I wasn't still being charged for my phone service. I think I could go a week without the phone to save a few bucks. But not much more...

The fact that I've felt this extreme need to text people all day  might just spur me into action though.

This is (according to my memory) the first time in the entire history of my relationship with the Gregbeau that I haven't been able to text him on a whim all day about funny stories and boring work and when I poo other trivial things.

I haven't talked to him in 24-hours! We have a facebook chat date tonight.

I am holding-my-breath excited.

It's pathetically awesome.

But on to the Keith Urban concert and rodeo. (thankfully i had my camera with me and am not relying on phone photos to document this). It was fun, fun, and more fun.

The night began with a slight tantrum from the female section because the jeans were feeling a bit smaller than normal and that just has a way of inciting irritability, don't you know? (if you were to point out my infatuation with rice crispy treats right now i would say "lalalalalalalalalaicanthearyoulalalalala").

After drifting all about this side of town looking for a restaurant that struck the Gregfancy and didn't elicit fat comments from the Kyoo section, we spotted Ray's Pizzeria and settled. (pizza has a way of pulling me out of the self-esteem could be the problem). Let me tell you though, falling in love with Ray's Pizzeria is a good idea. We have found our new fave pizza joint. It's casual and sporty and original and delicious.

The drive to the now notorious AT&T Center was uneventful and passed with chatter of running and fruit snacks and the epicness that would be watching Lord of the Rings in New Zealand.

And then the rodeo began. We had the $10 nosebleed seats but we didn't care. The rodeo is one of the coolest San Antonio events and I just eat it all up.

The laser light show.

And the horses.

And mutton busting. Oh how I love the mutton busting! When I first saw mutton busting, I couldn't believe it. The kids hang on to the sheep for dear life as long as they can and then get trampled! But eventually I decided it was the coolest thing ever and I secretly want my kids to bring home a mutton busting trophy or two. That's something you can put on college applications, that is.

The calf-wrestling's not half-bad either. Especially this determined young man. He hung on to the hoof of that calf for a solid five minutes trying to bring it down and get a better hold. The whole crowd was on their feet cheering for him. (or maybe that was just me...).

There's also your more typical rodeo events like bull-riding and bareback and barrel-racing and all the jazz.

And girls, they're all wearing their tight wranglers. It's eye. candy. even up in the nosebleed.

(Boo, don't read that).

One of my favorite parts of the rodeo is definitely the clown. Leon Coffee is back year after year with his same antics.

Really, there's just not much I don't love about the rodeo.

Or Keith Urban.

Ahhh, Keith Urban.

He can put on a show! His concert was one of the best concerts I've been to. The Kyoo dad might be a hater and make comments about all his songs being the same sappy love croonings. (and, uh, maybe they are). But what fun croonings to softly sing into the Gregman's ear while he blushes and makes all sorts of faces and secretly revels in the romance of it all. (he doesn't). (but he sang along with his fair share). (or maybe i wasn't supposed to mention that?).

Keith played all my favorites though. (with my favorites being "Long Hot Summer", all inclusive). But really, there's not much I don't like when he's singing.

There was this extremely awkward moment wherein he invited a young girl up to the stage and had her sing the chorus of "Kiss A Girl" all by her lonesome. This was awkward for 2 reasons.

1). She didn't know all the words and you could just tell she was dying and about to hyperventilate.

2). She was singing "I want to kiss a girl". Someone (Keith and herself) did not think that thru.

But, I would probably have done even worse in that situation so props to her. Actually, I'm sure I would have appropriately changed the lyrics to "I want to kiss a boy" and that might have started a small riot. I don't know. I'm sure she'll never forget that opportunity though!

There was also this moment wherein Keith ran into the audience, jammed on his guitar for minutes, and then pulled out a Sharpie, scribbled his mark, and gave it to a child. Holy dollar-signs-in-my-eyes I wanted that guitar! But alas, he didn't magically apparrate to the tippy-toes of section 223.


Keith is a great entertainer, should you get the chance to see him. His concert didn't start until after ten and it delighted me hook, line, and sinker, all the night long.

I was in such a great mood and cheering my loudest as they drove him and his band out of the arena. The night had been a hoot n' hollerin' ole time.

But then my iPhone was stolen, remember?

Ah succotash.

Have a great day :-)

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