Friday, March 16, 2012

Yoo 304 - Thoughts Before Rock 'N' Roll DC

Metro..please don't fail us tomorrow morning.

Expo...yes please? I will take a sample of this and a sample of that. Fill this bag up! And those expensive socks...had better live up to their hype.

Can we get these stellar bike lanes in San Antonio??

Meat balls for lunch.

Isn't this a fun decorating idea??

And these noodles. ?? Some kind of penne/spaghetti hybrid? The Gregeater thought they looked like intestines...lunch became a bit less appetizing after that...

Walking to Ford's Theater.

Walking to the White House.

Walking to Chinatown....for Dunkin Donuts...

...for the carb load, of course.

"I don't care how many people have peed here..."

Is it supposed to rain tomorrow, too?

Hotel room, I love you. Mostly because of this king-size bed that I get all to myself.

Time to spend some quality time with you.

Marathon (and half) in the morning...wish us luck!

Have a great day :-)

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