Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Yoo 525 - Balloons!

I made it back from a crazy but fun weekend. Boy was I tired Sunday evening! Three people trying to get shut-eye in a car is not ideal sleeping arrangements. 

There will be lots of colorful pictures of balloons soon...but first I have to sort thru about a million files. I got a little click-happy. 

In other exciting news, Greg got a lot of studying done, Roscoe missed me and wagged his whole body for 10 straight minutes when he saw me (and gave me a hug, he's the cutest), and we bought a new vacuum!

It's a good vacuum, too. Actually sucks, unlike the last one. 

Fear ye, fur!  I'm coming at you with powerful weaponry now!!

And I should probably go to work.

Have a great day :-)


Nicole Jessop said...

We bought a new vacuum when we got Gibbs too. Darn shedding dogs! Anyway, if you don't have one already, you should get a fur-minator brush. It's stupid expensive but worth it. It saved my relationship with Gibbs.

Kyoo said...

I did get a fur-minator a couple months ago and swear by it! Between that and the new vacuum my house is somewhat normal again.