Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Yoo 526 - Balloon Fiesta The First

So, balloons. Alisha heard about the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta several weeks ago and immediately sold me on the idea. We went back and forth planning for a while and eventually it became a scaled-back version of our annual road trip with Tina and her new car as very welcome additions.

The dogs and a husband were supposed to go but then dogs weren't allowed and the husband needed to study. 

On Friday we all tried our hardest to tie things off at work early and managed to head out around 4 pm. Tina packed a killer trail mix and the scenery was almost pretty for about an hour. Then it wasn't and we relied on conversation and iPad movies to get us thru the droll.

West Texas, stop. 

Alisha started getting a sinus infection at about this point and it was really entertaining to listen to her voice magically morph into that of a disgruntled troll with a stoma. We stopped at a drug store for powerful meds and ended up finding awesome balloon fiesta T-shirts for 3 bucks. It was a win. 

There was a 2-hour nap in an IHOP/Home Depot parking lot in Roswell, NM after Tina's car informed us that we should switch drivers (it's a really fancy car) and none of us felt awake enough to drive.

The nap got us thru the last 3 hours of driving to arrive in Albuquerque around 6 am with enough time to buy tickets at a 7-Eleven, rudely be denied access to a really backed-up interstate, and subsequently find much cheaper parking during the forced re-route. 

Sometimes jerks are helpful. 

Our eyes were burning and bloodshot but the first sight of balloons sent a waking adrenaline kick thru our bodies and we were set for the next few hours. 

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

That drive sucks. So boring and dead. Love your pictures though! How fun!