Thursday, April 30, 2015

Yoo 664 - Adventures With A Washing Machine

My washer stopped spinning during the spin cycle. I discovered this when I went to retrieve my last load of laundry for the week and realized it was still soaking wet. Unfortunately it was towels and bathroom rugs so it was quite the pain to squeeze them out enough before transferring to the dryer.

That's when I went to bed because it was Friday night and I couldn't even begin to deal with it.

Saturday morning found me eating a cookie two cookies for breakfast and watching a really hilarious youtube video of a man fixing the same issue with his washer. And I quote, "punching it does not solve the problem."

I was inspired.

Then I let it sit broken for another few days.

Now enter Monday and a dire need for clean gym clothes. An executive decision was made to use our FHE activity to research the issue.

First, we started by unplugging the washer, turning off the water, unscrewing the hoses, and pulling the washer away from the wall. Then we began removing all the screws on the back. Until we got to two super stubborn screws. Then we looked for the owners manual around the house but it didn't exist. Then we googled for the owners manual and approximately five minutes later I'd found a repair video for our exact washer that kindly told us we could remove the front panel to fix the problem.

So we returned the back of the washer to normal and turned our attention to the front. There were only two screws to remove but naturally one of them was stuuuuuuuuck. That's when I began googling for ways to loosen tight screws. A lot of tapping and WD-40 and Greg-grunting later, our screw was out and we were in business.

That's when we discovered the shredded belt. Which I promptly ordered on amazon for $10 before resigning myself to the kitchen and hand-washing gym clothes.

It was while I was scrubbing my clothes in the kitchen sink that I smelled an intense burning coming from the air conditioner. I thought the house was on fire. Upon further investigation, nothing was aflame but the thermostat was promptly set to off.

And the air conditioner didn't respond.

Eventually I just flipped the master kill switch and haven't turned it back on since.

One problem at a time!

The handle on my back gate is also falling off right now, but at least I got the belt for the washer and, after doing two loads of laundry, that seems to be fixed.

I'm quite pleased we didn't have to replace the washer or call an expensive serviceman, though I'm thinking our luck is going to run out with this air conditioning problem.

We'll see what youtube tells me.

In the meantime, my favoritest dog on the planet.

Have a great day :-)

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