Sunday, March 20, 2016

Yoo 688 - Sonogram Pictures

We're weeks, maybe days, maybe a month away from meeting this kid...most likely a month considering it's my kid...and it's still surreal.

I've been in various stages of nesting mode since early November and it's finally starting to wind down. There have been carloads of Goodwill donations, countless trips to Lowe's, and organizing and reorganizing. The "nursery" is waiting on a few finishing touches before I call it done for now but I really love how it's all coming together. Pregnancy hasn't been terrible and I've been able to stay quite active so I'm still amiable and not hating life. We'll see what the next two weeks and beyond brings.

Here's a little peak at this kid as I've met him/her along the way.


My first appointment was on September 8th to confirm the pregnancy. Here's the little blob at 10 weeks:

Crown to rump measurement:


And my still favorite sonogram photo, the sprawled-out-relaxing pose:


The full anatomy sonogram was done on November 10th at 19 weeks. I went back and forth between wanting to know the gender and wanting to wait and ultimately decided to keep it a surprise. I still stand by this decision and it's been fun for us.

Everything looked normal and the technician informed us that "it is definitely a boy or a girl".

We didn't know what we were looking at 90% of the time, as per usual, but these shots are pretty indisputably baby.


The best pictures by far came out of my final sonogram on January 12th at 28 weeks. The "4D" ultrasound really leaves little to the imagination. The baby looks all Greg to me, especially the lips in the profile shot.

Profile shot...look at those lips!

And to top this all off, the creepiest picture of our baby. In Greg's own words: "It looks like someone dripped wax on a terrifying sculpture."

We all have our bad angles...

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

I am SO excited!!! Can't wait to see baby Hall!