Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Yoo 704 - Nebraska, So Far

We had the whole family together for a day! It's so rare when Morgan can join us because of her work schedule so having her surprise us was the best. And a happy mother's day for my mom! All of her crazy kids home to make messes and eat all the food. She got an Eileen's cookie to celebrate Smilly's recent graduation...and for fun threw Morgan's name on there as well. Morgan graduated over a year ago but we never officially celebrated.

This kid is as fun as ever and working on his mission papers. Yesterday he got his wisdom teeth removed and we all got a good laugh at him coming off the anesthesia. Mostly the part where he was trying to drink water over the kitchen sink and really failing. We were hoping for a bit more chipmunk today but he's not very swollen.

He likes Skylar but I have not been able to convince him to change her diaper yet. Can you believe he's never changed a diaper?? I changed so many of his that he owes me!

Roscoe still loves to smell Skylar but I'm convinced he wouldn't be that sad if we took her back and things returned to normal for him. Aka, my full undivided attention. More on him and his latest antics later...

And for the record, we made it thru all three hours of church! I spent a good portion of that time nursing Skylar. And when I wasn't nursing Skylar, my mom, Morgan, and Dylan were stealing her from me so they could walk around and skip class. Which is what I was planning on doing! I mean, I walk around with her at three in the morning, so I should get to reap the daytime benefits.

But nope. Everyone wants Skylar when she's happy...


Skylar met her grandpa! It's the cutest when they're hanging out. The first morning, I woke up to find her wrapped in an extra blanket. Apparently my dad had walked by the crib and thought she looked cold and "couldn't help himself". I love seeing his grandpa side come out.

Crazy baby hair. Try as I might, I can't get it to stay down. Well, I can, but then it's plastered to her head and that looks weird. So crazy baby it is.

Bath time is still the cutest.

After dropping Morgan off at the airport, Skylar was cooperating so we did a little shopping. And I got this headband. Which looked a lot less like a pirate in the store, but when I put it on her at home, she looked like a baby pirate. Oh well.

I am on a pretzel kick and gave making them a try. And they turned out great! The last time I tried making pretzels I was in college and gave up at the boiling step because things were going south. This recipe is going to get printed out and added to my favorites book.

Ah, the Roscoe stories. So here we have my dog with a dead rabbit in his mouth. It was pretty fresh. And Dylan trying to convince him to drop it. He didn't. We walked on and he stayed and ate who knows how much of that carcass before sprinting back for us across an empty cornfield.

Life, and the walk, went on.

Then, about five minutes after we got home, as I was curling up in the rocking chair to nurse Skylar, Roscoe came over, sat himself behind the rocker, and proceeded to vomit up the rabbit carcass.


I convinced Adam to clean it up by "forgiving" him the $50 he owed me from Christmas two years ago. He was never going to actually pay me back so I figured I should at least get some leverage out of the debt. So worth it. I stood across the room and laughed as he gagged his way thru the process. Getting rid of the smell was the hardest part. And then my parents found out and Roscoe was banished to the kennel for a while.

Where he barked and whined like the spoiled puppy he is.

He obviously learned his lesson because the next day he ate a dead squirrel and ended up back in the kennel for most of the day so the living room wouldn't be defiled again. My mom wouldn't let him come in until hours had passed and he'd been thoroughly bathed.

Dork puppy.

Also of note, we've had severe thunderstorms every night I've been here. With all the trimmings, including hail. And Monday night we even sat through a tornado warning! Sirens and everything. My dad made us get to the basement while he stayed upstairs to watch the storm. Just for fun, we all took turns going back upstairs for something just to hear him yell at us. Brought back fond memories. The tornado never made it to town, but it did hit the school so classes were cancelled on Tuesday. There must be some pretty faithful kids right now because that never happened during finals week when I was in school...

The first thing I thought when I saw this cereal in the cupboard was, "Not real life!!!" My mom made me eat the last of it before opening the "real life". But the real life had a word search on the back! Worth it.

Adam and Dylan re-arranged the letters at Hobby Lobby. Go spurs go!

And random Skylar photos to take us out.

Now I'm listening to my mom read Mother Goose nursery rhymes while rocking Skylar to sleep. I love being home.

Have a great day :-)

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