Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yoo 403 - Condo Crushes

The Gregbeau has been a vicious foe in my battle for home organization. It started with an initial car load of his stuff. And just when I thought I was about thru it all, he came home with another one. And another one. And so on. If I was a gambler, I'd bet he's never thrown anything away.

In his whole 27 years.

At least anything that is inconsequential. Case in point: do we have a Burger King receipt from 2010?


Do we have tuition or bookstore receipts or anything else proving tax deductions for 2012 or any other year?

Of course not.

But that's not the point of all this.

The point is that I'm crushing hard on my condo. Our condo. It's taken a bit of time and elbow grease to combine our lives and stashes (always a work in progress) and sort thru wedding stuff but we're getting there. And I love coming home to all this.


My photo wall will always be favorite. It's hard to be down when I can sit in my stairwell and reminisce on a million and one good times. It keeps growing :-)

Shoe bench! Though curse Target for only selling the storage boxes in 2-packs. I couldn't justify buying 4 when I only needed 3! That missing box taunts me every time I pass that bench...

The most accurate clock in our house...according to Kyoo time ;-)

A super-practical wedding gift. No-thought-required date ideas! I'm a big proponent of dates.

I imagine this will be a very cozy place to hole up and read a book. I'll let you know if I ever actually do that!

A knife especially for watermelons and a monkey peeler! And, of course, Fred Pastasaurus and Ted the Turner. (remember how he has a bum?)

Grameez, I take your HEINZ ketchup bottle and raise you a mini bottle of Tabasco sauce. Acquired that gem on my honeymoon!

It's nothing fancy and a little quirky and most of my potted plants might be dying, but I'm pretty happy to call it home.

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

I made it to the blog again! Score! I love your photo wall. It makes me reminisce to college days