First, I'm one of those "IT" people. But not the kind that can fix your computer. (useless right?). If data warehousing strikes your fancy strings, I can talk to that (mostly...).
Second, I love running. I really like swimming. And I tolerate biking. I've been into endurance running and triathlon events for a while and write about my experiences training for and completing those. Nothing too competitive, just recreational.
Third, I own a condo in San Antonio, TX and revel in the experiences of being a [semi]homeowner with all its joys and challenges. I occasionally post pictures of my projects when I'm feeling ambitious (and my home is clean).
Fifth, I blog because why not? I started blogging in college as a way to keep my family updated. Now it's definitely a hobby that might be therapeutic. At least when I get caught dancing in the woods or the boyfriend buys me pink
That's all.
Have a great day :-)