Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yoo 415 - When Greg's The Adult

At first I was going to have a really cool "skipped work for an afternoon" post. Because even though I have the cushiest job ever and can't complain about being employed, sometimes I get all itchy after sitting in the same chair for 7 hours and the fluorescent lights start mocking me and I feel very claustrophobic and trapped in my quarter-of-a-cubicle. These conditions are worsened on the rare occasion I pass by a window and witness sunshine.

Real sunshine?

There was real sunshine today. And my heart and soul ached to be out in the sun! Find a patch of trees and pretend I'm in the wilderness! Bring the Gregnacho along!

And that Greg of a nacho was all in. Right from my first

"Can we run away and go hide in the wilderness for an hour or two? Wouldn't that be glorious on an afternoon such as this??"


The subsequent texts nailed down our sluffing plans and my demeanor was radiant with no chance for rain.

But then the Gregclouds unexpectedly crept in.

"I could get extra points if I went to my math lab."

I tried to ignore that one, reassuring myself all the while. "No. NO. He's messing with me."

"I need to go to my math lab."

Five seconds after I'd convinced him to help me play hooky, starting at the rebellious hour of 3pm, he'd done stuck a knife in my heart and twisted all hope into oblivion. That was so traumatizing it can't possibly be exaggerated.

"How dare he be the adult in the relationship??" is what you're probably thinking.

And I know! He just picked the most inopportune time to be ambitious. I mean, next time consult my motivational schedule and follow suit, Greggerly scholar.

But really, who did I marry if not a man incapable of resisting my charm and spontaneous whims?? What happened to that twitterpation of yesteryear?

What should ultimately be learned from all this is, ummm, is that miracles happen and forgiveness is real. Because I took my surly, life-is-shattered-dreams minute, and I savored it. But THEN, instead of ignoring the flood of I'm-so-sorry-I-love-you-you-hate-me-don't-you texts, I responded with a fair amount of caring.

Ugh, this grown up stuff.

And then I let my heart fly off into the sunshine while I took my legs to trod along on the treadmill. And all the while those legs were moving purposefully nowhere, bathed in yet more fluorescent lighting, my mind was thinking how I was going to turn this all into a very unnecessary blog post.

And that I just did.

Have a great day :-)

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