Friday, July 12, 2013

Yoo 497 - More From Nauvoo, The Second Day First

I had a lot of free time the second day we were in Nauvoo while everyone was in the temple. That dude above is all demandy and stuff and requires parental supervision and no one else was offering to take the punch. It's like he's my responsibility or something? This adult stuff...

So I chilled with Roscoe and walked around with the youngest niece of the bunch and played with the camera. It wasn't the worst way to spend the morning.


^^ one of my favorite pics of me and dork dog ^^

 ^^ playing pioneer ^^

 ^^ cutest pioneers, even if one of them is full-on flashing the camera ^^

And now a ton of temple pics.

Let's pretend it was me and not Morgan that was mainly responsible for getting all of these chilluns to the temple on time. Even though it was mainly Morgan.

I'm slowly getting thru last week's pictures. Maybe if I wouldn't take so darn many and actually be able to choose between them! 

In other news, today is my 4.5 year anniversary at USAA and Greg finished yet another semester. If you can even call a 6-week class a semester. It was Calculus II so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully maybe just one more left! I won't say ever because everyone and their dog is practically expected to get a graduate degree nowadays and I'm saving that game for another season.

Have a great day :-)

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