Monday, August 19, 2013

Yoo 509 - On The Bike Again

The weather was favorable Saturday evening and we finally went on our bike ride! We were really pathetic but it was so much fun. Stealthily changing from church clothes to padded spandex in the car, practicing with our clipless pedals in the parking lot to prevent a crash landing, and taking turns announcing how much we hurt every mile.

Ahhhh, on the road bike again.

We just rode along the greenway trail to avoid hills and so we'd be closer to our dinner after. Like I said, pathetic.

But it was beautiful. Golden hour and my favorite person leap-frogging on a bike with me.

We tried to make "fancy" New York-style pizza after. This required making the dough before and letting it sit over-night. Can you believe my resolve??

I still need some practice with the crust and we both agreed it needed a lot more cheese, but like most things after a bike ride, it was edible.

I'm toying with the idea of getting one of those Springer bike attachments so Roscoe can go along with us. But I have my doubts on how well-behaved our crazy puppy would be...and neither of us is volunteering to be on the bike to try it.

More stories from a canoe trip with dork dog later.

Have a great day :-)

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