Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yoo 481 - Cars and Cones and Parks

I've been stressing all week over CARS. To buy or not to buy. I wish it were that simple. This brain of mine does not come with an off-switch and I'm constantly re-evaluating our options. And our options' options.

It's sick.

And we don't even "need" a car. We're getting by just fine with Casper! But Casper has proven himself unreliable on long trips and he could bite the dust at any moment and that would leave us in quite the pickle and now I'm starting to get into it again. Car-shopping sucks. They're expensive and then they break and they're expensive again.

Nothing is enjoyable about watching thousands of dollars leave your account! Never to return!

Buying my condo was easier.

But this isn't the place for these discussions. On to CONES.

We're still sporting the cone of shame over here and it's only slightly more fun than car shopping. The cone looks like this now:

Because we love it so much and ram it into everything with our excitement! I will not fork out another 18 bucks for a cheap piece of plastic with velcro, so instead I'm patching it up with about 20 dollars worth of duct tape. Makes much more sense.

Then there was the PARK that we took Roscoe to. He about ripped my hand off lurching down the slide after his not-quite-but-going-to-be-soon best friend Kely took a turn.

It's a fuzzy picture but you get the point. Slides are not favorite.

Now back to contemplating all things car.

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

We had to do the same thing with Gibbs' cone! Instead of learning to maneuver around things or back up to try walking around, he'd just plow through everything shoving with that dumb cone, including into our legs. I think those 10 days were longer for us than him.