Sunday, June 2, 2013

Yoo 483 - Tug-Of-War Champs

I was in the fitness center at the right time and got recruited to the "city champs" tug-of-war team. For the past two years, a San Antonio sponsor has hosted the Corporate Cup for some friendly competition between local companies. Companies that want to participate field employees in as many events as they can and earn points for a top three finish. Or something. I'm not really sure how the scoring works. But there are scores.

The events range from a 5k run to dodge ball to 3v3 basketball to frisbee toss and more. It's fun, yet serious competition. Funnily serious? Seriously fun?

Your company pride and bragging rights are staked on this!

But like I was saying, the USAA tug-of-war team won last year and I had the pleasure of joining the team this year. And we won again. Probably because we had three Arnold Schwarzeneggers and a couple female tanks on our team.

They were intense.

I was the poser shrimp.

We had cleats and gloves and a "caller". He ran up and down the line telling us when to "sit" and "pull". Believe it or not, there is some strategy to tug-of-war. This goes back to the funnily serious part. I just tried to look like I was working hard and not fall on my butt.

Not to brag about our team, or anything, but *fingernail shine* we made pretty quick work of each tug. That obviously had nothing to do with me. But it was still a blast!

Let this motivate me in the weight room...I mean, next year I want to fit in with SOME bulgy arm muscles for the pictures! Cripes.

Have a great day :-)

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