Sunday, June 16, 2013

Yoo 489 - Annoying Dog Person


I'm turning into an annoying dog person. And I don't even care to stop it. Roscoe makes me so silly happy. He's 24/7 entertainment and the best buddy you could ask for.

Except when you leave him and he escapes his kitchen confines and destroys your stuff. Today it was my wallet. Luckily he left all the Benjamin Franklins alone...


But back to the annoying dog person signs. I want to take him everywhere. The phrase "everyone and their dog is there" sends me off on a rant about how dogs aren't allowed anywhere. I veto most evening plans because I don't want to leave Roscoe at home. My new favorite place is the dog park. All I talk about is my dog. There are hundreds of dog pictures on my camera. Roscoe could poop on someone's shoe and I would probably laugh and think it was the cutest thing.

That hasn't happened yet but one time we were on a walk and he sought out this mound and situated himself just right to drop a load on its peak. I laughed for five minutes.

The canine cupid has hit me hard and I don't even care. Is there a honeymoon phase with dogs? Probably. I'm still going to shamelessly post a bunch of pictures of Roscoe sleeping. Won't it be fun to see how I feel in a year? I mean, is there anything more fun than watching someone's annoying enthusiasm DIE? Admit it, it's up there.

Now, without further pause...MY SLEEPING DOG. (note the enthusiasm).

^^ sometimes he looks normal

^^ but mostly he looks like this

Could you kick him off the bed? I used to think I could. I thought sleeping with dogs was so gross. But not anymore!

Greg's still coming around...thinks we need a bigger bed, or something?

And now it is Sunday night. It would have taken me 20 minutes to pack my gym bag and a lunch for tomorrow but instead I blogged and played with Roscoe. It's going to take me around 2 hours to accomplish those same tasks in the morning and I'm just setting myself up for a slow week. I love consequences.

At least I have a dog curled up by my side. Oh yeah, and a husband. (thanks for folding all those clothes!)

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

Steven use to mock me for having so many pictures of Chalco on my phone. Then we got Gibbs and his phone suddenly had tons of pictures of him. Now we have Brae and that's all that is on our phone. It never ends. Also, you're brave for letting your dog on your bed! Ours aren't even allowed in our bedroom anymore because he sheds too much.