Friday, June 14, 2013

Yoo 488 - NBA Finals

This spoiled husband of mine got to go to the NBA Finals Game 4 last night.

I made him wear the Spurs Hand since he didn't have a jersey. He tried to compensate with an All Blacks least he had the colors.

I think I was going to get him a Spurs jersey for Christmas last year but that fell thru because...oh yeah, because we were going to New Zealand.

A good wife would just be super happy that their husband got to fulfill a boyhood dream. And I am! But, I'm also probably going to use this as leverage for things I want for the next 4 years...approximately.

Or the rest of my life.


Does he look 13 in this picture to anyone else?

There's no way I can look like I'm aging well standing next to him...

But seriously, he was pretty pumped to be at the game and it made me happy. EVEN THOUGH THEY LOST. Bad luck Greggers. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted cause we can't afford you attending anymore games on multiple fronts!

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

He looks so giddy in that last picture!