Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yoo 487 - A Wednesday

Care to know all about my Wednesday? Ok!

My brain did not check in on Wednesday. I'm sure it was enjoying its little vacation in Dreamland and decided that Wednesday wasn't going to be much different than Tuesday and thus deserved a sick day.

"I'll keep all the passive systems going but don't expect anything but survival mode. You'll know when to eat, sleep, and pee."

Was the memo it should have sent.


If you are a college professor, is it the most inconsiderate thing to NOT send an email notifying students when you're canceling your class? I think it is in the top five. I mean, COME ON. Can we be a little more arrogant? Especially at a commuter school where 90% of the students are leaving work early and driving miles and miles to attend one class. What a waste of their time!

And money. Let's not forget the money. I can't forget the money. In fact, I was calculating just how many groceries and gallons of gas that waste of tuition could buy.



Or maybe my brain just purposefully lost its timecard and dilly-dallied all the day long finding it. That does sound like my brain. Are these not good excuses? Can you picture all the brains walking around on legs moaning and groaning about us waking up? I'm sure my brain thinks it has the suckiest job ever.

"She can't focus on anything! Do you know how many disparate signals I get in a second?? I'm exhausted by 9am!"

Is I suppose what it's thinking.

So this Wednesday. First it took me 2.5 hours to leave my house in the morning. I mostly blame that on this goof ball.

^^ he does this whenever we pull out his leash. weird? it's weird. "behold! my leash?? OH IT'S THE LEASH! i must flash you! play dead? I CAN'T EVEN PROCESS ALL OF THIS EXCITEMENT."

Then there was a blurry felt-like-5-days-but-was-actually-4-hours at work. It stressed me out. And so at noon I decided to go home, rescue my house from Roscoe, and hit the reset button on the day. I was really sour grapes as I was leaving, too. Scowling with an angry bubble perched above my head, daring anyone to get in the way of me and my leftover pizza sitting in the fridge.

My intention was to head back to work in an hour. Except I accidentally fell asleep for two hours instead. Some reset button. Also, still befuddled as to why Roscoe seems to oppose this lifestyle. Dog doesn't even realize what he has.

When I finally rolled back into the office, guess what? The whole place had fallen apart! Ha...just kidding. No one noticed. And then productivity escaped me for another 4 hours and finally I was free.

I seem to have a lot of these days when there's something I can't figure out at work and my brain is bored with trying. Like I need to just leave it for a few weeks until it becomes interesting again. Which, unfortunately, they don't let me budget for in a project timeline and thus I'm left to battle my wills and trudge thru days like Wednesday.

Are you still rolling your eyes at the 2-hour nap part? Me too. Lazeballs!

I haven't told you this but at some point during the week, perhaps it was Wednesday, perhaps not, the golden furry counterpart otherwise known as Roscoe unleashed his fury on the remote control. It was tore up. And I was thinking we had quite the tragedy on our hands until I located both batteries, so rest easy he didn't ingest those. But I'm not ruling out the possibility of finding a "play" button in his poo.

This owning a dog business is the most exciting adventure.

Have a great day :-)

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