Thursday, June 6, 2013

Yoo 486 - He Was The Best Of Dogs, He Was The Worst Of Dogs...


We all knew this post was coming. The "I thought you were never ever ever coming home I panicked" post.

We leave him with free reign of the house for 6 hours...and everything is fine. But then we leave for 30 minutes to run an errand...and he goes berserk.

He killed a ninja turtle.

Straight up decapitated their leader.

Then he played a little Rook, clearly losing his temper towards the end.

At some point a pillow was sentenced to losing its innards by gnashing of teeth and slashing of paws.

And Greg's favorite baby toy underwent several amputations.

BUT. Worst of all...

...HE ATE CALVIN AND HOBBES! *moment of silence*

And he doesn't even care.

Honorable mention: Roscoe's leash is now hanging on by threads, Greg's backpack is down a few critical straps, our Webelos handbook no longer has a cover, and fur.

So that happened. Like we're surprised. I have decided to not make Roscoe watch "Marley and Me" as originally planned. This dog does not need any ideas. Like, good job buddy, you've already reached "Handful" status.

What now? Are babies this hard? Don't answer that question.

This is where the Kyoo mom is giving the computer her "I told you so" look. "I told you not to get a dog until you had a backyard and could spend more time at home with him."

Whatever mom...we totally have this under control. Roscoe is the coolest.

And what does Greg have to say in the aftermath? "IN YOUR FACE LEBRON!" Clearly the Spurs game is on. But does anything else matter right now? Nope. I'll tune back in for the last two minutes. This attention span can't be wasted.

Have a great day :-)

1 comment:

Nicole Jessop said...

Oh my goodness! So naughty! I can't believe you let him stay out all day! My house would look 1,000 times worse if I did that. We did for the first couple weeks or so but learned our lesson really quick after he started eating my coffee table. He looks so much like Gibbs, by the way! We're lucky they can't get together and come up with trouble together! Gibbs tried digging at my new tree again. Darn dogs! So adorable, but SO naughty!