Monday, June 24, 2013

Yoo 491 - Drivel And MORE Dog Pictures

I ran around the dog park 12 times today. Roscoe followed me the whole time. Then I got bored of running around the dog park and tried to leave my golden shadow with Greg and venture out onto actual trails.

Roscoe barked the saddest barks and then took a very careful look at the fence.


...poised his haunches (he has the cutest haunches, i love his haunches)...

...and jumped.

I will give him credit, the dog has hops. With a running start he could easily clear the fence. But he got stuck at the top and clung to a couple wires before falling back. Then tried two more times for good measure. It was kind of heartbreaking but at the same time, I loved it. Adopting an oldish dog is kind of a risk and I was worried he wouldn't bond with us. I was scared to let him off his leash. What if he didn't come back?

But that was silly because clearly he's accepted his place as my furbaby. Lets me cuddle him and everything. Also, he can't talk. Sometimes, after a long day at work, it's super awesomely refreshing to be around a creature that can't talk. This is excluding Greg because Greg is superly awesome and I can't ever think of a time when I wouldn't want him talking and being talked to by me.

Maybe if someone was paying us a million dollars to go a whole day without talking to each other. Yes. That would be an exception.

Now moving on to the not point of this post.

This is what Roscoe looks like when he's hiking with me:

This is what Roscoe looks like when he's creepy:

This is what Roscoe looks like when he's hiding behind the squash plant at bath time:

This is what Roscoe looks like when he's sitting in the muddy garden just AFTER bath time (yes, it's been a while since we've actually weeded...):

This is what Roscoe looks like with spandex on his head:

This is what Roscoe looks like in the morning:

That'll be a fun one to stare at whilst working tomorrow. Lemooooooooooon in the wound.

Now I'll admit three things.

1) I forgot my gym shoes today yet still went to the gym, looking like a dork the whole time in my brown KEENS.

2) I mainly ran around the dog park to "earn" a Big Red Icee because they're a dollar any size during the summer and extremely satisfactory to the Teagan Taste Buds when the thermometers are hitting 90+ degrees.

3) I love my husband.

Post over and out.

Have a great day :-)

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