Saturday, June 29, 2013

Yoo 492 - Back In Nebraska

Dearest of Greggerlies,

Do you miss me? Us? It's been over a day now. Does the condo just seem super huge and empty? I bet you didn't even know what to do last night with that big huge queen bed all to yourself. Could you even sleep like that?? I can't even imagine. I can imagine that you've turned the thermostat way down and are leaving all the fans running.

Which I'm more than willing to let you get away with, but don't be surprised when I still freak out over the utility bill like I always do.

What is your life like without a nagging wife, anyways? Did you eat all the icecream? Don't forget about that big cucumber still on the plant and also, I think there was a tomato about ready. And the garden needs watered...

Do you want to hear about everything you've missed?

Well yesterday I drove for 14 hours and Roscoe slept, mostly. It was just like you were there! Except I missed two crucial intersections because there was no one to remind me to pay attention. One of them was on a toll road and I had to pay it twice. That was fun. When Roscoe wasn't sleeping he was escaping from his car harness and trying to climb in the front seat. That was really safe. Also, I only drank about 10 ounces of Mountain Dew to stay awake. Can you believe it??

Other important thoughts from the drive. I really like how Ford named their SUV lineup. Escape, Explorer, Expedition. They're so fitting for each size and they all start with E! Do you think that was planned? Stupid question. Also, next time we drive up to Nebraska together we need to stop at the "world's largest porch swing" in Hebron, Nebraska. I imagine that's fantastic. And lastly, there were a million combines out harvesting wheat and I especially missed you then because you would have been so excited.

Clay Center is so green. You've never been here in the summer. We're going to have to remedy that soon. The summer here is so pretty.

The wheat fields contrast so intensely with the green beans and corn. Don't you just want to run your hand thru the tops of those shoots?

The corn is thriving like it always does. But it is a little shorter than normal. I guess it was a late planting season.

Roscoe loves the corn fields.

Actually, there's not much that Roscoe doesn't like here. Dad won't let him sit on the couch...I don't think he likes that. But most everything else seems to be in his favor.

I'm eating really well. Can you just smell that BBQ pork?? Oh it was delicious. And those strawberries! There's lots of food. Don't worry about me starving. I am a little worried about you starving though...there wasn't much left to eat in the house.

I will try to bring you some Potato Oles and a Runza because I know how much that would mean to you.

But back to how Roscoe loves his life.

Shoot. To be a dog in the country! I'm sure, deep-down, he really appreciates all the work and studying you're doing back home to fund his adventures and lifestyle.

It's really not the same without you, but I'm managing to keep myself entertained with siblings and cousins and the simple joys of being home.

Do you hate your life? Probably. Especially after those food pictures. I'm sorry...that was a low blow. I super duper love you and give you permission to watch those dumb cartoons and turn the thermostat up and *gasp* drink a soda, if it comes to that.

Have a great day :-)

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