Monday, July 8, 2013

Yoo 495 - Omaha Zoo

The Omaha Zoo is top-shelf. I love it! We used to have a season pass when we were wee little kids and it was sure excitement to go. Especially for school field trips. And it gets bigger and better every year.

This go-round I was even more impressed because they offered a free kenneling service for Roscoe...even though I missed him the whole day.

Now all the photos!

^^ laughing at the orangutans (had to look up the spelling on that one...) ^^

^^ licking her lips...she sees dinner ^^

^^ the lioness has eyelashes! savannah's covergirl... ^^

^^ why, this banana is paw-licking good! ^^

^^ for perspective...he would stand on the tip of that tree trunk, waaaay above the crowds, and the zoo-keeper would toss him fruit to catch. meanwhile i'm still teaching my dog to sit. ^^

^^ giant ^^

^^ trying to catch the peacock, despite all the signs warning against distressing the animals ^^

^^ chicken in a hot-pink cast! ^^

^^ all the cool kids are touching it... ^^

^^ skyfari! ^^

^^ never mind that we were terrified and couldn't relax on the ride ^^


(technically those are eels so i didn't break my "no pictures of snakes" policy.

^^ and then i broke his back... ^^

^^ running thru the fountain while shrieking like a girl ^^

Just roll your eyes at the next few pictures. My siblings are goofballs...especially that brother.

Clearly we enjoyed the zoo. Even though we ate breakfast around 6am and had nothing but a couple cookies until 3pm. (clarification: adam actually had at least 12 cookies). We thought we were dying and complained to mom just like old times. It was fun.

Have a great day :-)

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