Friday, July 5, 2013

Yoo 494 - Nauvoo, The Second Day First

I uploaded the second day's pictures first so here we go.

Greggers, you know I love old people. Especially really cute old couples. Can you just imagine a million of them dressed in pioneer clothes and smiling from old brick homes? That's Historic Nauvoo and I loved it with my whole heart.

I visited Nauvoo several times as a kid but that was ages ago and I know for a fact I did not appreciate it like I did this time. This time, with most of the family in tow, it seemed even more beautiful and peaceful and exciting all at once.

 ^^ family pictures ^^

 ^^ my favorite family picture of the trip. i set the camera on a timer and ran to the wrong caught me as i was trying to relocate. but at least i managed to turn and smile! ^^

^^ this boy is getting so handsome. and he is so fun to be around. but don't tell him i said that! ps...recognize the tie? ^^

^^ this is a picture of a girl. she's going to be a nurse someday. she likes old people too. ^^

 ^^ everyone thought roscoe was a guide dog with his hiking pack on. nope! i just make my dog carry my stuff. if he was a little more well-mannered around squirrels and horses and other living creatures, i would have tried to sneak him into places as a guide dog. but dork dog would have blown that cover too quickly... ^^

 ^^ racing wooden bears...i owned this game ^^

 ^^ i did not own this game. but i at least got a picture to look cool ^^

 ^^ i was sitting on a bench with my dog by my side and this sunlight peeking thru. it was a love my life moment. ^^

 ^^ red brick homes with the decorative washers ^^

^^ i love this fence and that field ^^

^^ pics from carthage jail ^^

Roscoe might have flattened some flowers in one of the gardens, but he didn't poop on anything important so it wasn't a bad day. I loooooove walking around Nauvoo!

Greggers of mine, we need to get to Nauvoo together someday. Morgan promised she would get married there and I think that'd be about the most fun thing. We also need to own an acreage with horses and fruit trees and white picket fences and a cellar. In the country with long empty roads lined with shade trees.

Besides the bugs and freezing winters, it'd be kind of pretty to live along the Mississippi. Especially in this one mansion I saw....summer home?

Have a great day :-)

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