Thursday, July 18, 2013

Yoo 499 - Nauvoo, The First Day Second

Going back to the beginning of this month...even more pictures from Nauvoo. I love this place.

 ^^ it started like this ^^

 ^^ and ended like this ^^

 ^^ driving to nauvoo ^^

 ^^ sleepy sleepy, in the back with roscoe ^^

 ^^ tell me why i'm watching your dog again? ^^

 ^^ jordie is cute and i want those horses ^^

 ^^ i love my dog ^^

 ^^ carrying buckets of water ^^

 ^^ listening to bakery stories, aka waiting for our cookies! ^^

 ^^ twisting the rope...or something ^^

 ^^ tying off the rope ^^

 ^^ loom ^^
 ^^ the boys wanted to walk roscoe because they had grand plans of using him to get girls' numbers. it didn't work. ^^
 ^^ really steep stairs ^^

 ^^ grandpa taking candid video ^^

 ^^ making a mini horseshoe ^^

^^ don't they look like they're having a blast? ^^

^^ in class with our "ipads" ^^

^^ dad drew a picture of a monkey and labeled it "teacher" with a backwards 'e' on his chalkboard. he got sentenced to the corner for the rest of class. ^^

^^ tied to a hitching post. unfortunately roscoe barks inconsolably when he loses sight of me so i couldn't leave him there on the tours. ^^

 ^^ funniest skit i've seen since being at byui. everyone missed out on this because they went to the fancy indoor show while i had to lone ranger it where my dog was allowed. roscoe was a champ, too, until the people sitting behind me pulled out cheeseburgers... ^^

^^ mosquito quartet. they were so cute! ^^

Again, sunshine and wide-open spaces and friendly adorable old couples. I can't wait to get back to Nauvoo.

Have a great day :-)

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