Thursday, July 25, 2013

Yoo 500 - Anniversary Numero Uno

^^ no bats ^^

^^ bats ^^

Remember how this is my 500th blog post?? Over six years ago I was a college student in the icicled classrooms of BYU-Idaho, and now, a mere 500 posts later, I'm in the armpit of Texas (i say that mostly lovingly) with a college degree, a career, a house, a dog, two cars, and a husband. With a whole lot of good memories to look back on!

Even if I do re-read most of my old posts and just feel dumb for what I wrote.


So the Greggerly spouse and I celebrated an anniversary over this past weekend and after a full year of experience, I've decided that this marriage thing is weird and makes no sense.

Before I got married, I had all sorts of time to spend hours running and biking and swimming and lifting weights. I had the money to enter any fun distance competition that caught my eye. I had the time and money to travel whenever I wanted to.

I bought myself cool things without thinking.

I could spend weekends camping or hiking or road tripping or cleaning my house or doing whatever I wanted to do.

Are you sensing a theme here? I had all this freedom. Greg was there but my little universe still centered around me.

Fast forward a year.

I have so many more demands on my time. And there's another person to coordinate schedules with! I can't just up and travel whenever my soul wishes. I have to be really smart with my time if I want to spare an hour for the gym or a run. No more 3+ hour workouts! Extra money goes towards tuition instead of race entries or fun toys. Weekends are used for serving in church callings together instead of adventuring to unwind from a tough week. The whole of it is a lot more work and a lot less play.

Sacrificing today for a hopefully better future, or something.

On paper it looks really depressing. Who would sign up for that??

My priorities in life have really shifted over this past year, and I expect them to continue to shift as time goes by and new life stages hit.

But in reality, I don't regret getting married. Most days. Haha! There's just something really awesome about knowing Greg is there and he's mine. Whether I'm peeved to the ceiling with him or feeling all sparkly in love again. Buddies for life and stuff. Strangely, it's fun.

And a lot less lonely.

Now back to the celebrating an anniversary part. We ate that year-old portion of our wedding cake. Which was uncommonly delicious after it had properly thawed. And I have some freezer space back!

I'm still not sure why that's a tradition? But I can put a check-mark next to it and move on with life.

We spent the weekend playing tourist in Austin, though it wasn't as fun as I'd dreamed it to be. A few of the activities we'd planned fell thru and unfortunately that scrambled us up a bit. And I hardly took any pictures. But we did get to canoe on the lake, which was gorgeous, and spend a lot of time in Zilker park. Oh how spoiled Austinites are with those beautiful jogging trails! There were also a couple really good food cart trips that almost made the trip worth it alone. And bats, let's not forget the bats.

Not quite as exciting as last July 20th, but at least I had my overnight bag this time and didn't have to wear Greg's clothes!

You win some, you lose some.

On to the next year of this marriage thing!

Have a great day :-)

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