Monday, July 29, 2013

Yoo 501 - Fourth of July in CC

Happy 4th of July! Haha, go me. It's still July so that's something.

I was super tickled to get to spend the Fourth in my small hometown with the Kyoo parents and grandpa. That's an equation for a WILD TIME.


But really. I love Clay Center's 4th of July festivities. That little town pulls together quite the all-day party and I miss it every year I'm away.

It starts with a cute/quirky parade "downtown" with candy and water fights. Then it's off to the park for the Little Miss Firecracker and Uncle Sam pageant along with a BBQ. The pool picks up the pace in the afternoon with contests and games. I was a lifeguard for several summers so this was a big perk. The hours pass so much faster when you're judging a greased watermelon competition! There's also a softball tournament for most of the day, and then things quiet down in the evening as the sun sets and the volunteer fire department gets ready for the fireworks show.

I think you have to grow up there to really appreciate it!

I'm going to go thru the whole photo-spiel anyways.

Roscoe joined us for the parade! He successfully knocked down the toddler of one of my former classmates...that I hadn't seen in almost a decade. That left a really friendly impression, I'm sure. Then he decided his life could not continue until he had played with every dog in sight, despite the fact that all of them were a good 70 pounds lighter than him. And lets not forget his frequent, "nonchalant" armycrawls towards anyone brandishing popcorn.

Sometimes he is the best dog. And so many other times he is the worst.

It's my favorite thing.


^^ all the emergency vehicles from surrounding towns are part of the show ^^

^^ the pupils are basketballs! ^^

^^ water fights ^^

^^ muddy trucks ^^

^^ tractors, of course ^^

^^ best float. my pic does it no justice. ^^

^^ how sad i am to have missed this! ^^

^^ painted horses! ^^

^^ mr. and mrs. claus, duh. christmas in july! ^^

So the parade was awesome. And then I got a call informing me that things were falling apart at work. Naturally. I spent the next 12 hours logged in trying to find and fix a needle in a haystack. It was only slightly more fun than it sounds.

Isn't being needed the best thing ever?? I just love it!


Luckily I got things mostly under control in time for the fireworks. I might have cried if I had to miss those! The CC fireworks are TO BE EXPERIENCED.

They start at the softball field/old high school track juuuust before dark. A big FLASH-BOOM goes off to get the crowd's attention.

Then, 15 seconds later:


10 more seconds pass.


8 seconds.



Clapping from the hordes gathered outside of vehicles and sitting on the bleachers.

Every firework or two is spaced with a good 5-15 seconds. You get to savor each one from the initial explosion thru the fiery rain on down to the fizzle. Plus it draws out the show to at least 20 minutes.

You can make bets on what color/colors the next one will be!

I love it with my whole heart.

And I love watching the volunteers across the field, scrambling around with the glowing red punks, setting off each individual firework. No chance of them all going off at once here!

It's a big display for rural Nebraska. And will probably always be my favorite. Plus you can show up right before they start, and leave right after. No big traffic jams!

Gushy thoughts. I loved it. Yadda yadda yadda. It was so great to be "home" for it all again.

Have a great day :-)


Nicole Jessop said...

How did Roscoe do with the fireworks? Our dogs are terrified. I have to lock them in their kennel in the basement every night for the whole week surrounding firework holidays. The only thing I hate about fireworks... actually, it's just the neighbors setting them all off and the wimpy dogs.

Elizabeth said...

Aw, all of these posts make we want to hang out with you and your fam next 4th of July. :)

Kyoo said...

@Elizabeth - Nebraska is almost right smack in between us. Meet in the middle for the 4th next year? :)

@Nicole - Roscoe showed no interest in the fireworks at all. Didn't seem to phase him. But I think I'd rather have him freak out over fireworks than go nuts every time he sees an animal. At least fireworks are a little more isolated...haha!