Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Yoo 502 - Roscoe Travels

More pictures of Roscoe! Are we surprised?

He was such a funny travel buddy. Here's all the random shots of dork dog on our recent trip to Nebraska/Illinois.

 ^^ he kills me with cuteness every time he curls up in a ball ^^

 ^^ he hit his limit around 13.5 hours in the car. this is him, buckled into the back seat, but somehow sitting in the front. never a dull moment. ^^

 ^^ "oh, hey! um, hi. i think i'm stuck...again" ^^

^^ car drunk ^^

 ^^ sharing a hotel bed with a dog is glamorous-glamorous ^^

 ^^ you can cover dork dog with pillows... ^^

 ^^ ...and he doesn't even care ^^

^^ he sits like a sphinx. it's my favorite thing. downward dog to sphinx! he's a yoga puppy. ^^

The following were taken by the Smilmeister. They're blurry gems of life with Roscoe in the backseat.

 ^^ chillin in the back with roscoe! ^^

 ^^ "i feel so relaxed. rub my belly." ^^

 ^^ "just a sec. i need to lick...places" ^^

 ^^ this little guy loved roscoe and i loved him. he kept finding us as we toured around nauvoo and would always run up to pet my dog. he was adorable. ^^

^^ goof ^^

 ^^ he was so sad when we had to leave! and honestly, he seemed depressed for a good week after we got home...he loves his nebraska family! ^^

What did I do without this dog? He is so fun. Spices up muh life. Vacationing with him was the best. Now I just need to get him AND my husband on a long road trip. The stories!

Have a great day :-)

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