Sunday, August 4, 2013

Yoo 503 - I Married A Man With My Mom's Songwriting Abilities

 ^^ roscoe is a winker. and i've got a picture to prove it. ^^

Kyoo mom, you will be so proud of your son-in-law.

This just happened while we were brushing our teeth tonight. To the tune of "A Happy Family":

I love Roscoe, he's our dog.
He wants to go outside for a jog.
Chase the deer, and bunnies too.
Then he'll stop and take a poo.

He got a high-five from me for that one. It was seamless...inspired...the words just came to him. I mean, the man thinks I look weird in heels and busts out dorky songs. Can life get any better?

Have a great day :-)

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