Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yoo 504 - Last Friday Night

Well here's a completely pointless post about my weird Friday night, thank you insomnia.

Work picked up at the end/start of the month, like it usually does, and I was tired. Ho-hum. Greg was sick...he pulled over and puked on the shoulder of 1604 to prove it. And Roscoe was Roscoe.

I loooooooooooove that dog.

But that's not the point. The point is that we all fell asleep on the couch. Then at 2 in the am, someone jerked awake and we all trudged upstairs to the real bed. Roscoe was the first up the stairs because Roscoe is always the first up the stairs. It's one of his house rules.

Moments later every person and dog fell back asleep, minus this person.

After logging into work to check on a few things, I was AWAKE. For the long haul. I realized this after about an hour of lying in bed doing nothing but thinking.

So I trudged back downstairs. Roscoe didn't even wake up to join me, rude.

I browsed thru Netflix and decided the "Documentary" genre held some snooze promise. And it probably would have if I hadn't discovered the "Zero to 100" Lakey Peterson surfer documentary. I like me a good surfer movie/documentary.

And it's a really good thing I watched it because I was finally able to answer the question Greg asked me the other week.

"If I could be a top-rated athlete in any sport, which sport would you want me to choose?"


They get to compete in THE COOLEST places.

But just for the record, if that question were based solely on body types...I'd pick CrossFit. They have the fittest bodies ever and aren't as likely to get eaten by sharks.

That settled I found myself even more wide-eyed and chipper. Curse you sleep!

I really should have started a war documentary (netflix was suggesting several, thanks to the kyoo dad's use of my account during wedding week last year...), but instead I played the "Katy Perry: Part of Me" documentary. I think I watched Justin Bieber's and Taylor Swift's documentaries in similar sleep deprivation brings out a strange side of me.

And the only thing I really got out of that documentary was how surprisingly impressed I was with her blue hair. Not the wigs, but her actual blue hair. It looked kind of cool! I tried to picture what I would look like with blue hair and got disappointing results, at best. Work and church reactions aside, I don't think I'll be going that route with my hair...

By the time that one was over, the sun was starting to rise and I was starting to get sleepy and it was starting to be time for me to log back into work.

And that's that to my documentary of last Friday night. Whoop!

Have a great day :-)

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