Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yoo 505 - I'll Do Dinner

I had the coolest surprise for dinner for Greg last night. Actually, a couple of surprises.

The first being that I had dinner ready for him. That doesn't happen very often.

The second being that it was Papa Johns pizza. His favorite kind (hawaiian chicken bbq) AND my favorite kind (free because it was leftover from a work lunch).

I was so proud of myself and so excited for his reaction. I didn't want to give the surprise away but I was also struggling to contain my excitement. Later that afternoon, I ended up texting him to "come home hungry" cause I had "a goal to do dinner". Keyword being DO. I did not claim that I was MAKING dinner.

I went to a lot of effort to get that pizza home, too. I can't carry a big box on my bike! My plan was to stack all eight pieces in my lunchbox. But first I had to fret for an hour over what people would think when they saw me cramming a whole pizza into my lunchbox at work. Then I actually did it and just tried not to care what people were thinking.

Desperate much? There were a few passer-bys judging.

La-di-da, I got the pizza home.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, Greg is going about his afternoon with way too much time to interpret the "I have a goal to do dinner tonight" text. He's dreaming big.

Fast-forward to 10 minutes before Greg gets home. I reheat the pizza in the oven so it's kind of crispy, just like he likes it. I heat up his favorite cheese sauce. I make a salad. The salad was really sad, but it was still a salad, nonetheless. I even put a cover on his plate so I could pull it off with dramatic "Ta-dahhhhhhh!" flair.

MAYBE I was hyping the whole situation up a bit much...

But do you know what he did when he got home and I whipped that plate cover off to reveal his dinner??


After 2 years of dating and a year of marriage, boy obviously still does not know me well enough. If he had ever wanted a cool surprise again, he would have fist-pumped and hoot-n-hollered, whether he felt like it our not. I'm all about reactions when it comes to surprises.

Next time, Roscoe gets the pizza. He shows WAAAAAY more excitement and appreciation. Dog is enthused when you point out a crumb he missed on the floor.

Speaking of Roscoe, here's a video of my favorite puppy eating an ice cube. 

(there are rumors that ice cubes can be harmful to dogs, i don't do this everyday.)

And now to psych myself up to run my dog. Roscoe's got his head resting on the window sill and is letting out a long sigh every couple minutes. He's subtle...

Have a great day :-)


Nicole Jessop said...

We give our dogs ice cubes too and they love it :) In the summer, I freeze pure pumpkin puree in ice cube trays and give them to the dogs when it's hot out. They love it and it's good for them!

Kyoo said...

I like the pumpkin ice cube idea! Roscoe spits out any fruit or vegetable I try to feed him...but I'm going to give that one a try!