Sunday, August 11, 2013

Yoo 506 - Raining On My Plans

I finally got a new phone this week...and it actually has the functionality to make phone calls and take pictures! Unlike the last one I'd been using for a year and a half.


Hence all the lower-quality phone pictures included in this post.

So, story time from the weekend. It's been over a year since the Gregman and I have gone on a bike ride together. And we say all the time "We really need to go on a bike ride." Just like that, it's very exciting. Well Saturday morning, I decided it was time to get it done. I busted out the bikes, spent a couple hours getting them all tuned up (roscoe helped), and loaded them up in the car.

 ^^ proof this happened ^^

The plan was to go for a ride in the evening right after our temple shift.

Until, at the end of our shift, I felt the rumble and boom of thunder, followed closely by a torrential downpour on the roof.

Of course it rained and soaked the streets. You're welcome San Antonio! I promise you it wouldn't have rained if I hadn't been planning something outside. We weren't about to take our skinny tires on the wet roads so we settled for Taco Cabana and a trip to the dog park. At least Roscoe was muddy and happy.

Then earlier this afternoon, on a walk to see a friend in a nearby senior living center, it started pouring on us unexpectedly. It was nothing but blue skies when we left! Texas weather can be so bipolar.

(also, dad, you'll be equally offended by this. i was wearing a huskers shirt and one of the ladies at the senior living center pointed to my shirt and asked if it said "trash" with a sly smile!! she wouldn't even tell me where she was from so i could retort! greg got a kick out of that...)

Now a couple things from the furry (and shedding) section.

 ^^ another one bites the dust ^^

^^ if he wasn't 80 lbs i would pick him up and cuddle him forever ^^

^^ recovering from a run ^^

^^ roscoe wuz here ^^

Greg is currently making dinner and it smells amazing from my perch. Husbands are so attractive when they're making me food.

Have a great day :-)

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