Monday, August 12, 2013

Yoo 507 - Fire Ants

 ^^ he likes to "help" me make the bed ^^


Must. Not. Scratch.

But it feels sooooo good when I do!

My carelessly placed foot played host to dozens of swarming fire ants today. The bites are already starting to swell up into giant white bumps surrounded by beet-red motes.

Sting-Eze and aloe are going to be my friends for a while.

I did a little research and I feel as though the whole circle of life could continue if all the fire ants just died. I see no use for them. Other than to bring down my ego. I mean, it's hard to boast of greatness when something 1/500th my size (based roughly on length) can send me into a crazy dancing/yelping fit. But then I guess viruses and bacteria are even smaller and can have an even greater maybe fire ants are pointless and can't even make a good example.

Moving on.

Slightly related, I usually die of heat stroke just sitting in my house. But last weekend I turned my thermostat down TWO degrees, and I kid you not, I froze all weekend.

This human can be such a sensitive creature.

Have a great day :-)

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