Thursday, August 22, 2013

Yoo 511 - Living Room Beds, Tuition, and Pizza

Our living room is one giant bed.

It started earlier last week with a movie night. We inflated the air mattress and enlisted every pillow and blanket in the house to make it extra cozy. I think we then fell asleep before even starting the movie.

But over a week later, we're still sleeping downstairs on that air mattress.

Partly because it's fun, and mostly because it is at least 10 degrees cooler in the living room than it is upstairs. We would wake up every morning with heat exhaustion in that sauna of a bedroom. Maybe because one of us refuses to set the thermostat below 78 in an attempt to keep the utility bill reasonable. (it's me.) But the living room boasts a comfortable climate!

Now we're both happy.

Even though our real bed is starting to seem very desirable. I kind of miss it. But I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't pack up that air mattress until...November? Probably November.

In other news, we paid tuition yesterday. That was fun. Goodbye summer savings! Goodbye trip to Australia or new computer or down payment on a bigger house. I think I'd be less bitter if this was the last tuition bill we were paying for a while...but it isn't. UTSA waved their evil trident and forced the Gregstudent into another semester.

I'm not allowed to talk about it in public yet because I still have nothing nice to say.

So on to pizza. I botched my second attempt at making pizza this week. I'm pretty sure it's because I forgot to add oil to the dough. Something about omitting crucial ingredient leads to less-than-desirable results? But I'm not giving up! I'm on a quest to find our favorite pizza dough recipe.

This quest will probably be a lot more productive when I start following the recipes correctly.

Last but not least, dork dog. He loves car rides. Especially ones that lead to the dog park.

Have a great day :-)


Becky said...

We have been known to do the exact same thing with our air mattress & living room. Exactly.

Here's my go-to pizza dough recipe - two cups flour, pack of yeast, little less than a cup of water, pinch of salt & sugar. Mix it well and let it sit for about an hour (or more.). No oil required. Fool proof.
Even better if you use bread flour - which has more gluten (and is more similar to the higher gluten flour pizza shops use.). Let me know how it turns out.

Kyoo said...

Thanks for the recipe! I will most definitely be giving that a try...hopefully this weekend.